[Business] Home NPS - Nuclear Power Station

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Home Nuclear Power Station - adds for players the ability to produce power from uranium ore and sell it. Radiation and pleasure are waiting for you.

Home NPS

What is Home NPS?

This script adds a new type of profitable business and increases the gameplay. Now each player can earn money by selling nuclear power. Be careful it is not easy employment. You can be damaged by radiation. To protect yourself upgrade your station and eat anti-radiation pills. Also, you can be robbed by other players. Your bags with spheres can be stolen and sold.

First of all, buy the station and upgrade it. Use lead wall and plastic film to protect yourself and nature. Don’t forget to use Geiger counter to check radiation and fix the station if it needed by spray “Lead Foam” (be sure that you wore an anti-radiation mask). Otherwise, you will be irradiated by radiation and will die. Don’t panic! Eat anti-radiation pills to reduce the radiation. If everything is okay buy spheres, uranium ore, and bag. It will be useful to you in the future. Put ore and sphere in the station and press button start. After the generation procedure, you will get charged sphere. Put it in your yellow bag. Take the bag and go to the Sphere Buyer to sell your spheres.

Do you want to change something?

In this case, I have created the config. Just open it and do the magic 😉


F4 menu items add automatically. So if you want to change it go to:


  • Custom entities
  • Anti-Radiation mask glows in the dark
  • Custom animations
  • Custom sounds
  • Geiger Counter sound - leak indecator
  • Custom particles
  • Sphere charge indicator
  • Custom SWEP
  • Radiation protection system
  • Eatable pills "Raduceron"
  • Lead walls
  • Plastic Film
  • Anti-Radiation mask
  • Geiger Counter (SWEP)
  • Spray "Lead Foam" (SWEP)
  • UI
  • Irradiation indicator (the screen begins blinking yellow color)
  • NPC
  • Commands to manage NPC
  • NPC carry the bag
  • Randomized salary
  • The ability to carry the bag with spheres
  • The ability to wear Anti-Radiation mask
  • Addon is installed on servers like:
  • WizzarCityRP
  • Changeable language
  • DRM Free
  • Support ItemStore

np_save - saves NPC's coordinates
np_clear - removes NPC's coordinates

  1. Unzip the file into your /addons folder.
  2. Add this to your server collection.
  3. Restart the server.

NPC Setup

  1. Spawn NPC
  2. Open the console
  3. Write np_save

Discovered bug? Hurry up! I am waiting for your support ticket. I will fix your problem as soon as it possible. 🔥

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Very Good !
Good addon and good price Bon addon et très abordable
By GalacticRP -
(version 1.0.4)
Really useful for Serious Roleplays.
First, i tought that it was useless and i even asked myself, what the hell is that. But then i gave it a try and man, this is really cool! I always wanted to build a nuclear power station and turn my city into chernobyl! Now i can with this nice and really well scripted addon. Buy it, you won't regret it. It adds something special to your server that players won't see anywhere else. Have fun.
By Lolozaure -
(version 1.0.2)
Love this
I love this addon, my community is some happy for this addons ! Purshare this ! :)
By WizzarCo. -
(version 1.0.2)
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