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In short
🤩 HQUI introduces a sleek, user-friendly alternative to the traditional Scoreboard and F4 interface. With 15 color schemes, customizable roundness, and many other useful settings, you can easily tailor it to meet your community’s needs!
This UI package provides a distinctive and intuitive "all-in-one" approach, offering great flexibility to adapt to your community's preferences. With this setup, players can conveniently reach the scoreboard, job menu, shop, and settings from a single window.
Additionally, features like advanced player and item search, along with various visual customization options, create a much smoother gameplay experience.
🛠️Configuration is incredibly simple! With the in-game settings tab, you don’t even need to edit any lua files. You can hide/unhide players, add rank display styles, manage web tabs, and more, as outlined in the features section.
🎨Since players often have different color preferences, the UI allows them to customize the styling to their liking. Alternatively, if this feature doesn't align with your community's needs, you can disable it and configure the style for all players yourself.
🚀This addon is built with a focus on performance and optimization. It features lightweight code and ensures maximum efficiency, guaranteeing stability and high performance for your servers.
Supported Gamemodes: DarkRP, Sandbox.
Supported Admin Mods: ULX,SAM,xAdmin,Fadmin
Supported Admin CMDS:
- Speacte
- Bring
- Goto
- Ban
- Kick
- Copy SteamID64/SteamID
- Slay
- Ignite/Extinguish
- Freeze/Unfreeze
- JailTP/Unjail
✨You can easily enable or disable each of them from settings tab.
- Flexible and fully configurable ingame
- Lightweight and overall optimized
- Smoothly animated
- Scoreboard with advanced player search by nickname, steamid or job
- Ability to change player's ranks name and color with fancy list
- Sort by nickname,rank,ping (in settings changeable to money,level,deaths,frags,playtime)
- Shop (Entities,Shipments,Ammo,Food)
- Shop search support by item name
- Jobs list and job preview with flexible model selection
- Easy to add WEB tabs with your own links
- Mute/Unmute buttons
- Control player loudness by scrolling mouse wheel on speaker button
- Ability to hide/unhide players with fancy list in settings tab
- 15 color schemes with bunch of settings
- Make it boxy or roundy - roundness setting
- Supports popular admin mods - ULX,SAM,xAdmin,Fadmin
- Player commands control through ingame settings
- Ban/Kick stylized windows
- All settings are applying dynamically, so you can see it instantly
- Multilanguage support, and you can add your own translation easily
- No DRM
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