HQUI - Scoreboard & F4 Bundle

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Kagura posted

Congratulations, one purchase this addon

Marius posted


Nordahl is a gmod dev that sells on his private website. he makes scripts idk how good they are but his UI is lets say very old in my opinion but he say its modern and he likes it. idk. its not that ur UI is really shit like everyone hates here with "disgusting design" is a bit crazy. But just not really fitting the modern servers lets say.

Octaver Author posted

[KBRP] Marius Thank you!

Octaver Author posted

Must Who the heck is David(Nordahl)?

Must posted

David (Nordahl) would be impressed at your ability to copy his UI style! Confused as to why you copied a disgusting design though...

Marius posted

Nice Developer, friendly (what i see in the comments) <3 but the UI isnt really my taste. But a "bundle" is a cool idea.

Matrix posted

I'm confused.

Octaver Author posted

Ness | Cody Harvi YoWaitAMinute Zen98 Thank you!

Ness | Cody Harvi posted


YoWaitAMinute posted


Zen98 posted

Looks good. GLWS

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