- [added] support for non-rp gamemodes
- [added] chat command for players to change their own name
- [added] new notifications
- [added] ability for servers to use one name instead of First/Last name combo
- [added] auto scaling for various monitor resolutions
- [added] system messages to language file for translation
- [added] incremental animation to player profile connections
- [change] name change interface updated; more modern, bigger text fields, cost / price larger
- [change] code to support new theme system in next release ( v2.7.0.0 )
- [change] filtering system to block out unwanted characters ( * $ % @ ) etc.
- [change] script now notifies a player if they cannot afford a name change
- [change] better code for checking affordability
- [change] optimizations to code
- [change] currency values (darkrp money, pointshop points, etc) now translatable.
- [change] 'Select a Gender' no longer appears in list of genders
- [change] now supports MySQLOO 9.7+
- [change] updated documentation
- [bug] fixed notification bug
- [bug] fixed avatar issue with clicking 'Use Steam Avatar'
- [bug] fixed custom avatar element missing default image