This update modifies various aspects of this script; as well as updates rlib to v3.2.0.
rlib 3.2.0 is now "minified" to remove un-needed aspects. When updating rlib, ensure you remove the currently installed version completely before uploading the new copy. The library is nearing the end of needing to be updated so often as it gets cleaned up.
- [added] new documentation included in docs/install.pdf
- [added] identix.env
- [added] updated notification system to new bubble indicator
- [added] legacy notification setting in sh_cfg_general
- [change] updated code for compatibility with rlib 3.2.0
- [change] updated steam workshop collection [ ]
- [change] revised permissions system to include dedicated ULX id
- [change] localized pnls; using uclass pnl system
- [change] split config files up for better organization:
- cfg/cl_cfg_themes.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_binds.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_dev.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_ents.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_filters.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_general.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_names.lua
- cfg/sh_cfg_profiles.lua
- [bug] fixed SAM addon permissions
- [bug] fixed issue related to rules text that is extremely long being cut off
- [remove] fonts; now provided by rlib
- [remove] sounds; now provided by rlib