This update changes the overall structure of the addon. Original addon must be removed, however, config files can be saved.
- [added] new font registration system
- [added] developer command to reload fonts
- [added] support for xAdmin mod
- [added] added ability to disallow numbers in names
- [added] config items to control keyboard default key color
- [change] english translation no longer found in sh_env.lua file, now inside /lang/ folder.
- [change] structure of core addon changed for optimization purposes
- [change] rnet ( ui_fclose ) added
- [change] supports rlib v3.1.7
- [change] updated initjoin func to support bDelay
- [change] renamed permission identix_name_pick => identix_diag_open
- [change] replaced str check function with new helper.str:ok( )
- [change] updated code to add delay for initial join dialog
- [change] admin menu command 'name_reset' renamed 'player_wipedata'; now completely wipes all player data in db
- [change] main panel for changing name now fades when "Upload/Select Avatar" button clicked
- [bug] fixed issue with admin force closing name interface and blank "welcome" notification popping up
- [bug] fixed initial avatar url displaying as "NULL"
- [bug] fixed error with clicking "ok" on avatar screen when invalid url provided