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Anyone know how to make the turret physgunnable by its owner?

possible to add a radius so you can place like 5 of them near one and other?

I created these models specifically for this addon, feel free to use them (base platform and gun)

I'm guessing this is abandoned since there's no script support button and no responses from the author in 2 years. What a shame.

Why does this shoot from the base and not from the turret? Could you recode this.

Since there's no script support button I'll have to ask here... Is there a way to adjust the z-axis to make sure the turret spawns above the ground? They keep spawning under the ground when people spawn them unless people spawn them directly against walls or on top of props.

Will it work with custom gamemodes? What happens to the turret when its out of ammo?

Is it an entity?

can these be perma proped?

Hey Ray would it be possible to make a tracer and muzzle flash on the turrets? So you can see the bullets coming out?

Could you make it so you can whitelist teams and when you perma prop it will still whitelist those teams :)

huh lol

Hello, you're not able to do when you buy a turret, you are immediately in the whitelist, and its one except you can not use

No, it does not beep.

Does the turrets beep? Like to they make a sound that indicates the player owns turrets?

If the area where you're trying to spawn has a false floor it's easiest to spawn it against a wall and let it fall to the floor. Like on uneven terrain or whatever. This is the case for any entity in GMOD, not just the turrets.

Can some help i cant spawn it

I really love that you updated this to not shoot through walls! It still has an issue with doors, but that's a GMOD thing I think. It would be another amazing update to get a whitelist for NPCs (such as vendors) based on their model. I know there are quite a few models in the CSS list there, but maybe just a list of the NPC models that are on the map currently? Something like that would help vendors not be the subject of undue violence :)

Metex it's easy to change the model, fire rate, ammo, and shot sound. And can you put a Owner Tag on it? And prevent other people from turning it on. Thanks! :D

Yes it works on darkrp, even 2.6.2, if not ill fix it for ya.

if it works on version 2.6.2 darkrp

ADD a sniper plz

of course.

it works for darkrp?