💼 Inventory system [Trunk, Backpack, Loot]

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In short

Optimized and nice looking inventory system for your server, support any gamemode!


Add an optimized inventory system with great functionality to your server! You can connect FInventory to Mysql and use on several servers. This inventory support dragndrop, split, drop, pickup, stack functions. This addon also support vehicle inventory, inventory can open only owner, support DarkRP CPPI (if your server is DarkRP).

  • Support for any gamemode;
  • Optimized;
  • Backpack system;
  • Pocket swep;
  • Customizable;
  • Custom icons for items;
  • Ability to disable backpack system;
  • Ability to disable custom icon system on client;
  • Car inventory system;
  • MySql and sqlite support;
  • Easy to configurate;
  • Animated VGUI;
  • UI Sounds;
  • Items bank store;
  • Backpack constructor;
  • Loot system with custom box model;
  • DarkRP fully support;
  • Support any money systems;
  • Save inventories after disconnect/server restarting;
  • In-Game configuration;
  • Ability to disable backpacks/icons showing in-game;
  • And much more!

Copy of config file - config.lua

Where i can find custom money system ?

You can use my custom money system he support any gamemode and it is free - DOWNLOAD (garrysmod.org) or you just can not spawn NPC seller.

How i can set custom icon from item?

From config file.

Can i create my custom loot box?

Yes, and it is simple, see config file.

Gif image

In development
  • Inventory items store (bank store);
  • Trade system.

My others addon


Help with ideas

In-Game Configuration (here screen size is 1280x600)

Backpack seller (here screen size is 1280x600)

Addon installation
  1. Put addon in addons/ folder and configurate ranks in addon_name/lua/sh_finventory_config.lua file;
  2. Run server and play!

For MySQL configuration you need go to addon_name/lua/sv_finventory_mysql.lua

Content - Workshop

  1. Original english file - english.lua
  2. Upload you'r file here
  3. After check, your translation will be added in addon, also your nick and gmodstore account will be added in Credits tab. Thanks!

Documentation - OPEN

Product reviews

2.25 average based on 4 reviews

the wrapper is of high quality, but even lua is lame...
When I bought the addon, it seemed to me very high quality and effective. Automatic car trunk detection, customizable inventory, inventory size improvement system, loot system. It really sounds like a worthwhile investment, but in reality, it's a non-working config, bugs with ALL the antiti and many more from other addons, no inventory setup, and no support at all. As much as you would like, but avoid this addon... at least until the update that was promised a year ago...
By Genuine. -
(version 2.0.3)
Lot of probelm ...
A lot of bug , for example in DarkRP , players have item in common in their bank , and sometimes they can't open it , no response of the support , so consider this add-on is unsupported
By Hornet -
(version 2.0.2f)
No support
I have had this addon for a while now and have had mixed feelings. It's a good addon but there is alwase a problem with it somewhere. And the most important part of a addon is its support. The most gutting thing is where you buy a addon l, it does not work and you do not get any support. Then making this perchase useless. I have waited almost 2 weeks now and not even a response. I rate the addon - 5/69 untill support returns. Edit: No reply even after saying he did, I now rate -7 brain cells out of 69 lua errors.
By Clivi -
(version 2.0.3)
Author's reply
I answered you in support. But you haven't responded for almost 2 weeks.
By Friks -
A decent inventory system
Support is something I always respect when it comes to products/services. Reported an issue or two and it got updated straight away. When it comes to the add on, It works perfectly. For what it currently has, It's great! like mentioned in the description it will soon have trading and potentially a UI overhaul which will be fantastic features. I recommend buying this now before the features are added :)
By SainT -
(version 1.0.4)
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.

New update - new features!

by Friks

Added in-game configuration, ability to disable backpack system and more!

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