💼 Inventory system [Trunk, Backpack, Loot]

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Suri (Rundas) Purchased posted

Oh yeah i have a drop script mr Friks! My problem is that i want to pickup dropped weapons to inventory instead of walking to them (which makes them appear in the weapon selection)

Friks Author posted

Suri (Rundas) Players can drop weapons/entities only from inventory. You can do script for drop equipped weapon.

Good luck ;)

Suri (Rundas) Purchased posted

I'm thinking of adding this to my server. But i would like to know how would it work with Sandbox. I would love picked up weapons to be storaged in the inventory, because so far i can't make dropped weapons to NOT appear in your hand. Does this have like a /dropweapon system or something?

Friks Author posted

#Attache BankStores will be added in next update. Players can save loot in lootboxes

#Attache Purchased posted

I want for every regiment to have their own box, could the lootboxes be used for this, i. e. as the bank where multiply people can store their items and they save with map restart?

Its Ya Boi Death Purchased posted

Does this Mod support VCmod cars?

Any plans to add a bank to store items?

Great addon so far keep up the good work mate! :)

Friks Author posted

OrcSmashTV Thanks =)

It is good idea, and it will be added in next update.

Oblong02 posted

This looks like a really cool addon. The only thing that's stopping me from buying it is that you can't change the vehicle inventory size per vehicle. For example, if someone buys a truck it should have more inventory space than a Ferrari. It would be cool if this was in the config file and you could just put in the vehicle name and the corresponding inventory size. Anyway, addon still looks cool!

Friks Author posted

Menschlich Now this feature is available =)

Friks Author posted
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B2R | Sleggie I'm already working on the big update;)


B2R | Sleggie posted

I respect this script so much because its actually useful for so many kinds of servers. That being said, there's not enough here that could drive anyone using Brick's Inventory or Xenin to switch. I almost feel like I want this because of the cool backpack system, but the UI, lack of rarities, integration with other addons, and especially lack of in-game config is a bit of a killer in today's market of exceptional quality addons. GLWS! :D

Friks Author posted
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Menschlich No, but i add this features in next update. Now the loot is regenerated in it and box becomes visible.

Copy of config file - https://pastebin.com/1qaZR77n

Menschlich posted

But I can disable that? So it just gets filled instead of respawned?

Friks Author posted

Menschlich Yes, and in config file, you can set auto-respawn time.

Menschlich posted

When a lootbox is empty, does it disappear?

Friks Author posted

perrk Yes, little later i upload this screenshot.

Menschlich Of course.

Menschlich posted

Are inventories saved after reconnect?

perrk posted

you should show the ui menu for the backpack seller

Friks Author posted

Livaco Thank you, I really don't mind this criticism at all, I like it when people offer their ideas. Yes, the UI may not be perfect, I'll rework it. Its price is also not high.

Snoopi Thanks ;)

Livaco posted
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That looks very stretched.

Also whats with the idea of having model previews in some items, and SVG icons in another?

Your UI is extremely bad imo, but I won't go into detail here to prevent the gmodstore nubs yelling at me for being "too harsh". If you want me to give a full rundown of what i think is wrong you can contact me on discord or something

Snoopi posted

Nice script!


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