ItemStore - Inventory for DarkRP

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Gustard Purchased posted

Not sure if im missing something here, but I am currently unable to pickup any of the 'Durgz' dark rp drug items with the inventory pickup tool.

NinjaLightning posted
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DoctorWho Purchased posted


For anyone wonder in 2024/09 :

  • Still working for a "plug and play" state without any change ✅
  • I was wanted to add new items to itemstore hp_spell_book, i made it work with a few modification in the code ✅
  • Mysql external support ✅ (with mysqloo)

Fully working even in 2024.

Skip Purchased posted

Any way to drop on-hand inventory into a lootable box similar to the "lootable corpses" addon? As in having a lootbox on the ground that contains your on-hand items and your inventory items?

Woompa Purchased posted

does this have sandbox support ?

Nordahl Scripts Purchased posted

Hello I would like to make your script compatible with one of my scripts I would need some information like :

Get the inventory table of users, client side and server side.

The API to delete an object and add one in the inventory.

Thanks in advance.

Aerosiderite Purchased posted

Can you make it so the context menu is movable?

Boogie Purchased posted

trunk dlc?

IVAR posted

Model missing: models/props/cs_office/Cardboard_box01.mdl

[Inventory] lua/entities/itemstore_box_small.lua:44: Tried to use a NULL physics object!

 1. Wake - [C]:-1

  2. unknown - lua/entities/itemstore_box_small.lua:44

  3. Spawn - [C]:-1

   4. fn - lua/itemstore/player.lua:210

   5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

    6. BlastDamage - [C]:-1

    7. unknown - lua/entities/stalker_rpg_projectile/shared.lua:60

[Inventory] lua/itemstore/player.lua:213: attempt to index field 'Container' (a nil value)

 1. fn - lua/itemstore/player.lua:213

  2. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

  3. BlastDamage - [C]:-1

   4. unknown - lua/entities/stalker_rpg_projectile/shared.lua:60

m1tch42099 Purchased posted

drag and dropped into my addons folder and restarted but nothing happening

UselessGhost AuthorPurchased posted

Also, I'm very sorry if ticket responses have been intermittent! I don't really have a worthwhile excuse why, but it can get chaotic trying to keep up on them.

UselessGhost AuthorPurchased posted

Hey everyone, I'm just cleaning up tickets. I noticed there were some issues that were still unresolved or slipped through the cracks. Please feel free to reopen anything that was not resolved if you saw your ticket get closed.

xLomble77 posted

Could you add a support for bLogs ?

iEatyouLOL Purchased posted

What would happen if a player has a full inventory and then their rank was changed to a rank with less inventory space? Do they lose the items that cant fit in the new inv?

UselessGhost AuthorPurchased posted

Here's workshop resources to those who need it:

Ester Purchased posted

i got an error in console :sad: please help

[itemstore] addons/itemstore/lua/itemstore/vgui/window.lua:22: '=' expected near 'self'

UselessGhost AuthorPurchased posted

It's coming back in time but I got such immediate negative feedback that I decided to revert it for now. I'll put out a version that has an option to toggle the two modes in config today or tomorrow.

BenJ Purchased posted

Dang, I kinda liked the visual change lol

Harry_75 Purchased posted
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UselessGhost Thank you for keeping the addon up to date, it's a pleasure :)

BenJ Purchased posted


markin234steam posted

does this addon has a cw2.0 support?

♛ Harris Momogoy Purchased posted

Hello , is it possible to take the entities and the sents ? because I cannot take them in the inventory (ammunition from FAS for example) and I do not understand anything about the lines to take customized objects, can you help me please ?

♛ Harris Momogoy Purchased posted

Hello , is it possible to take the entities and the sents ? because I cannot take them in the inventory (ammunition from FAS for example) and I do not understand anything about the lines to take customized objects, can you help me please ?

mutex posted

hey question how do you make custom ents to go in inventory? if theres a way ill buy it

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