If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
I see. I just changed your code to select a winner to the WeightedRandomKey function from the wiki as I saw it was a bit different.

@Dayornight As mentioned in the wiki, incorrect usage in other addons will cause random numbers to be less random.
Simply add math.randomseed(os.time())
Right above local rand = math.random(sum)
On line 196 of addons/jackpot/lua/lib/casino_jackpot/server.lua

I think I have fixed the issue with the first two always winning, might need some further testing. I can give you guys the code however.

is the bug fixed with the first two always winning? and does it have a tax on it? like a money sink for the server ?

my NPC's are fucked up... there are like 1000 of them!!!

npc bug

having the same issue with the odds always being with the first 2 people who join the jackpot. it can be a 8% chance and they will always win.

When you spawn NPC in from entities menu how do you remove them? They autoload in when we restart the server.

The jackpot won't spin..

Hello, We did several tests with your addon and we notice that the winner is always the first or second person who bets! can make you something urgent ...

Can you make something to make like vip able to bet more

Can you add support for permaprop because when I don't use it sometimes the nps don't spawn and sometimes 25 of them spawn inside of eachother... This would be fixed if you let users use permaprop instead of your own thing.

Please Add weapons to bet :P

I wait sales before buying ^^

Check the config, I left the instructions in there for you

Nice script but I don't know how to set my own langauge

cough cough its my birthday.

For those wondering about the sale -- It'll remain on sale until the 10th

I think i'm gonna buy this.


i want :(

i can hear code blue jacking off in the background

#discount for ppl who bought crash.