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In short
NitroSync allows you to give your valuable discord nitro boosters rewards and perks in-game. With optimization and user-friendless in mind you never have to worry about a thing. Download precreated rewards templates, use the huge developer documentation, and or just plug it in and go!
Please click the Features TAB for a full feature list of what the script does.
What is this?
Discord has become a very large and widely used platform for gamers. Especially in the GMOD community. Discord allows players to communicate via voice or text. Discord recently added the ability for Players to NitroBoost your server to open up a wide range of features and benefits for the discord server. So, what does it do? This script will allow you to reward your AMAZING nitro boosters with in-game rewards. This script is always aimed to drive incentives for players to boost your server granting your server tiers, while they get great rewards in the end too. It's a win win :)
Why the price?
It's not general knowledge, but Discord has blocked all communication directly from Garry's Mod. This makes it very difficult to have servers interact with Discord directly. Because of this you have to setup what's called a Proxy Server. In short terms: This allows Garry's Mod to sends requests to my web server then to Discord and vice versa. Because of this, I am basically the middleman of all requests. If 200 servers are using this script, each averaging 20 requests a minute that comes out to be 4,000 requests. Although I have put in place many different aspects to reduce bandwidth costs via caching and other mechanisms, I still suspect this will add up over time. Because of that: I am dedicating a large % of profits of this script to scaling and improving the webserver to meet your guys need (and the bandwidth:) )
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- discord server with permissions to setup OAuth/Bot application