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In short
This addon spawns completley randomizable Jack in the box kind of entities which can have all sort of rewards for the player.
"Junk in the Box" is a nice way of adding some random awards for Players to find. You can restrict which players are allowed to open the Box and whats inside it.
Currently it has 5 Skins with 3 Colormasks (If you have Skin Requests, just post them in the Comments and i might add them)
Script Support:
Mr. Pumpkins Halloween Shop (CandyPoints)
Pointshop 1
Pointshop 2
Blues Unboxing 2
SH Accessories (DarkRP)
Product reviews
4.45 average based on 11 reviews

Good script for Christmas but ...
This addon is perfect for randomly and automatically gifting items to players during Christmas, but there are a lot of errors that spam the players' experience and console.
[zeros_junkinthebox] addons/zeros_junkinthebox/lua/jnkbox/sh/junkbox_vfx.lua:6: attempt to call method 'ClientAnim' (a nil value)

Ran Into Major Errors
After installing the addon to my server, players that respawned would lose all of their default gmod loadout and some spawned with the 'Unassigned' playermodel. Only after uninstalling the addon did my problem get resolved.
I'd be willing to change my review if this problem was completely fixed, however this was shocking to me as Zero's scripts seem to be quite reliable most of the time.

Good job bro ! You're addons is incredible ;) Each time I don't regret my purchase

Much like his other addons, Zerochain is an absolute charm to work with and his support is beyond incredible. When I had a problem with this addon not spawning properly on a certain gamemode, he went out of his way to sort the problem and was sending me fixes to test every 5-10 minutes until the whole problem was fully fixed.
Incredible addon, incredible support, incredible developers.
Give them your money ;)

Absolutely amazing script!
Looks and sounds amazing, works awesomely and never causes huge errors.
This is an addon that I thought our server would **"waste money"** on buying this script when doing a huge shop for addons but I am happy that we bought this addon.
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