Lean Production - Make purple drank 🥤

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In short

Lean production is a drug addon that provides easy installs and easy setup using an in-game config.

- DarkRP Lean Production -

The DarkRP Lean Production system was built to entertain players and at the same time make an easy solution for server owners to change options quickly and efficiently. This has been tested in a DarkRP server environment to ensure it works as intended.

This gives you multiple choices for ways the lean should be sold, one being the user having to bring the box to a dealer and selling it, the other being the user pressing E (use) on the box to stack in their own "inventory"

You can also enable drinking the lean to give the user a speed boost with a visual effect ( Most of this can be configured )

Recently added was the possibility to save all lean buyer NPC's on the map using !savelean ( as a superadmin ) for easy use ( removing the need for permaprops )

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In-game Config

What does this have to offer?

  • In-Game config meaning no restarts!
  • Simple Installation
  • Custom Models
  • "Realistic" system

What does this work with?

  • DarkRP
  • Basewars (original)

If you you would like support for another gamemode send in a ticket.


I love to hear what people want done with scripts, feel free to message me any ideas.

How do i install this?

  1. Extract from the zip file
  2. Edit 2 out of game config options to ensure a smooth experience
  3. Place into your addons folder


If you encounter any bugs please send a support ticket or message me.


  • Please, if you are having issues. Send in a ticket and i'll respond asap.


The One Free-Man - Incredible models, honestly an amazing modeler

KyyYE - Sexy banners

Member87 - Offering script support while i'm away


Hook: Called when a player sells lean to a buyer NPC



  1. Player
  2. Number of cups sold
  3. Total price of sale


Hook: Called when a player drinks lean from a cup



  1. Player who drank lean


Hook: Called when an ingredient is purchased / failed purchase



  1. Player (owner of the barrel in which ingredients were added to)
  2. Name of ingredient
  3. Whether the purchase was a success
  4. (if not successful) reason for fail


Hook: Called when a cup is added to a crate / small crate



  1. Entity (crate) where cups were added
  2. New total of cups in crate


How does it work?

The language system allows you to over-write certain text via a config or set the language to a predefined one. If you are reputable and have previous translations I am happy to exchange a free copy of the addon for a translation to a language that is not already supported.

Current Languages:

  • English


Language preset

Defining a custom language / phrases in config

Product reviews

4.93 average based on 12 reviews

Its actually a pritty good addon
Its simple , Easy to setup and Configure due to the ingame config window "!leancfg" its a simple addon yet i think its really good because well its easy for new people to learn and can be configed to not give a big payout so it takes more time to make money as it is so easy to use. 5/5 because its cool
By Ninya -
(version 1.4.1)
Its really good.
Its very easy to configure and just easy to make lean in general. I would recommend this addon to people that wants more things to do in their server. The addon is very lightweight and doesn't have much content for it. I'm thankful I got this addon from the Christmas calendar event.
This product was received for free
By SirPlancake -
(version 1.4.1)
Author's reply
Thank you for the review :-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the addon!
By clear -
Deleted user
Only cool kids buy this addon. Worked 10/10 would recommend
By Deleted user -
(version 1.4)
Amazing script + Even better dev!
The script runs smooth and is very easy to configure! I had one issue and the developer replied AND fixed the issue within 2 hours! Talk about helpful! 10/10!
By Riker -
(version 1.3.75)
Amazing, Instant Support!
I would recommend this to absolutely anyone wishing to have more drug/producer options. This is a fantastic Addon and, the Creator(s) are absolutely amazing. They respond extremely quickly, almost too quick. One of a kind!
By Meds -
(version 1.3.75)
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