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In short
Lean production is a drug addon that provides easy installs and easy setup using an in-game config.
- DarkRP Lean Production -
The DarkRP Lean Production system was built to entertain players and at the same time make an easy solution for server owners to change options quickly and efficiently. This has been tested in a DarkRP server environment to ensure it works as intended.
This gives you multiple choices for ways the lean should be sold, one being the user having to bring the box to a dealer and selling it, the other being the user pressing E (use) on the box to stack in their own "inventory"
You can also enable drinking the lean to give the user a speed boost with a visual effect ( Most of this can be configured )
Recently added was the possibility to save all lean buyer NPC's on the map using !savelean ( as a superadmin ) for easy use ( removing the need for permaprops )
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What does this have to offer?
- In-Game config meaning no restarts!
- Simple Installation
- Custom Models
- "Realistic" system
What does this work with?
- DarkRP
- Basewars (original)
If you you would like support for another gamemode send in a ticket.
I love to hear what people want done with scripts, feel free to message me any ideas.
How do i install this?
- Extract from the zip file
- Edit 2 out of game config options to ensure a smooth experience
- Place into your addons folder
If you encounter any bugs please send a support ticket or message me.
- Please, if you are having issues. Send in a ticket and i'll respond asap.
The One Free-Man - Incredible models, honestly an amazing modeler
KyyYE - Sexy banners
Member87 - Offering script support while i'm away
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