Lean Production - Make purple drank 🥤

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Aidenw_210 Purchased posted

This was a suggestion from someone in my server. do you think we would see this in a upcoming update or a way to minimise the collisions

"When you spawn in the cups, they roll around and if you step on them they go flying.

My suggestion is; when they spawn in they should be frozen, and not being able to be collided by a player."

clear Author posted

Tank not a bad idea, I may implement this as an alternative method :)

Tank Purchased posted

food for thought:

a timer for mixing if manual shaking is off


make it so can stir it by mashing E ;)

GmodStore PurchasedSystem posted


tasid Purchased posted

8===D DRM

tasid Purchased posted

ahh good thing it wasn't a massive update because cba to edit all the UI again

clear Author posted

Yeah, it's all in a file already restricted to 1 job :)

[IL] Ilunga posted

Would this be possible to limit the lean entities to a certain job? If so I'd like this

Reece Purchased posted

Gotta love Lean Production, The job is always full on my server lol

avaster Purchased posted

member87 probably backdoord this

OGL | Network Purchased posted

Oh, Some people really are really just that sad to get involved. I was merely stating facts. Not complaining But take it as you will.

Ashkotor posted

i read through the ogl complaining over every comment and I kinda thought it was funny how he spouts out all the garbage to someone then says if you don't have anything good to say don't say it.

Reece Purchased posted

CL34R will fix any issues when he comes back from holiday.

Zeatth Purchased posted

Anyone else noticed that you cant have 2 barrels mixing? I can only get one the finish mixing but the other barrel ingame doesnt finish mixing.

Any ideas?

Asule posted

how do you know they're better made, you haven't bought the script to check.

CHGamer posted

Damn, you know.. $7.50 is a harsh price considering that there's better made drug addons for less. I'd justify $5. (For example weed factory or uweed.)

Reece Purchased posted

It's not that he's mad yuyu, you just have to think.. Not everyone would think Lean is right for there server but there is a load who would want it. As i said, not everyone is going to buy it. Same with every single script you see. Also, where you use "I don‘t feel like any guy that‘s over 15y needs this kind of addons" .. That is the most stupid response you could say.

Nonce posted


Sneak posted

ogl shoplifts from aldi pass it on

OGL | Network Purchased posted

Am I? or you just on Gmodstore all the time, ripping people down for there hard work? A suggestion would be to keep your opinions to yourself unless you have anything good to say. lol

Eevee posted

lol OGL is mad

Ben Purchased posted

What's age gotta do with anything? lol

Reece Purchased posted

It's the same with any addon which is made. People have the right to choose between them. There is a need for every single script on gmodstore. Just depends on what you would go for.

OGL | Network Purchased posted

Okay Lol, so moving on with the idea of yours, " You could have an alcohol/mixery addon and add ur own recipe and models"... That's effort and more money that a server owner has to spend when he could just purchase a $6 addon that has it already made.. At the end of the day it was your opinion. However your first statement that you made "No clue why you would need an addon to produce stuff like that." I will expand, for example. I have no idea why you would need alcohol or mixery addon. Honestly it goes both ways. If you have nothing good to say keep It to yourself. "Yuyu♥"

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