Fix NPC being killable (Jan 2021 Update)
NPC's will now respawn on cleanup
Added config option to disable ping noise on shake
Better support for DerivedRP gamemodes
Changed a few hook names to avoid any collisions
Fix saving NPC's
Added developer hooks
Added policerp to list of darkrp derived gamemodes (so it actually works)
- Added support for Basewars (original)
- New chat command "!leanbuyer" will spawn an npc on your position
Re-added vrondakis levelling system support (got overwritten in an old update due to version mismatching on my computers)
Added ingredients cooldown to config
Small crate is now a small box and looks less yuck
Changed how files are loaded (fixed issues where fonts were trying to be created serverside *facepalm*)
ALL previous config is saved due to the in-game configuration system so you can update without any issues
If you are experiencing the bug where all config options are reset you NEED to download this update in order to fix it.
New Small Lean Crate
Small UI Changes ( Probably won't notice it )
Fixed crate spawning in the floor
( Silent update: Fixed crate spawning in the roof??? wtf was i doing )
Fixed mixing when you disable manually shaking
Added support for Vrondakis Leveling system Fixed a font that didn't work on Linux
Added functionality when the crate is destroyed it will drop all cups previously stored inside
Added a few more in-game config options for you to play around with
New way to make lean. If you didn't like the idea of shaking the barrel around to produce the lean, you may now simply have it on a timer ( makes the player's life more boring, but that's how some people like it )
Stopped possibility of placing 2 crates close to one-another and "duplicating" the cup count in them
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