[ Lektro ] ◾ v3 ◾ Escape Menu ◾ MOTD

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In short

Lektro functions as a 2-in-1 system which includes MOTD mode, and an Escape Screen. This allows you to have a more streamlined interface with multiple matching displays. Read the features list for a full list of what's included.

  • Can be used as an Escape Menu, MOTD (message of the day), or Both.
  • Static & Live background support
  • Includes server hopper feature to connect to other network servers.
  • Network buttons connect players to server donation page, steam workshop collection, network forums, etc.
  • News ticker for broadcasting news to players.
  • View 🍆 FEATURES tab to learn about all of the functionality this script includes.

  • Escape menu that also can be triggered via chat-command, or displayed on player join (MOTD mode).

  • MOTD mode forces interface to display when a player connects to your server.
  • Ability to also turn off "Escape Menu" mode and function only as an MOTD; or leave both on for MOTD + Escape Menu.

  • Slider / Banner feature which allows you to display important news about the server.
  • Supports web hosted images so there's no need to use a workshop to change banner images.
  • Display a title for each headline, and a summary with the news you want to announce.
  • Supports 10+ tabs which gives plenty of room to post donation reminders, announce server upgrades, etc.

  • Welcome greeting displays a message in chat when a player connects to the server.
  • Includes setting to edit greeting and add your own lua if desired.

  • Announcements interface comes as a secondary option for owners who don't want to display the slider / banners. This is a more simple type of announcement panel which displays the title of a single announcement, and the message itself.
  • Supports .webm videos to be attached to the announcement.

  • Live and Static Backgrounds
  • Supports web URLs for both static and live backgrounds.
  • Live Backgrounds utilize .webm videos
  • Background source files provided in download
  • Download includes source wallpaper files (both .jpg & .webm files)

  • Rules interface which displays when the player joins the server (if configured), or can be viewed by pressing the navigation button.
  • Rules can also be pulled up at any time by the player simply by using the chat command specified in the config.
  • Admins can also force rules to appear on a player's screen; and they will have to accept the rules in order to continue playing.
  • Rules can either be text-based or displayed via a website that you configure.

  • Admin Mod Support & Permissions
  • Supports admin mods:
  • ULX
  • ServerGuard
  • xAdmin
  • SAM
  • Specify certain groups that can bypass the delay when the MOTD appears.
  • Also useful for server owners who want to give donators / VIP members the ability to bypass without the wait.
  • Force interface open for players
  • Refresh entire interface ( for development purposes / recoloring / etc )
  • Specify certain groups that don't have to view the MOTD when they connect (such as staff, donators, etc.)

  • Server Hopper which displays servers you own within your network. Players can connect to another server by pressing the corresponding button.
  • Confirmation dialog which ensures no accidental clicks
  • Immediate connection to server once confirmed by player
  • Supports 3 modes for button:
  • Type 1 : Icons + Text
  • Type 2 : Icon only
  • Type 3 : Text only

  • Navigation buttons allow you to display numerous websites including your official website, donation url, steam group, etc.
  • Supports both an integrated browser (included with script), and the option of using the Steam overlay.

  • Access to specific functions:
  • Toggle gmod console open
  • Hide custom escape menu & display default gmod menu
  • Access game settings (video, etc)

  • News Ticker to broadcast important messages to your players.
  • Supports string variables that can be added to each message which displays:
  • Player name / steam id
  • Server population count / Max pop
  • Network Name

  • Detailed configuration file which allows server owner to edit almost anything included with script (well over 100 different settings)
  • Animations for interactions and panels
  • Most features can be enabled / disabled
  • Dozens of coloring options
  • Can specify how the script behaves for players ( show on join / motd mode / etc )
  • Determine how the nav menu displays for players ( icons, text only, etc )
  • Coloring of almost every aspect of addon
  • Developer settings for easier addon configuration

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