Leyworkshopdls |Faster joining!| Ingame In-Game downloads!

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Leystryku Author posted

last time I checked some servers for whatever reason send 10 maps at once etc, might help prevent this

JustPlayer Purchased posted

arent maps already downloaded dynamicly if you use workshop maps tho

Leystryku Author posted

Discord4my addons (kinda unofficial): https://discord.gg/tahZbWcc5M

Leystryku Author posted


it all depends on the addons. You can see in my youtube video how it worked for my server ( 700mb ).

However, since it all depends on the addons and your config, I do not do any guarantees. You have to take the risk if you'd like and experiment.

Constant posted

Hi, i have questions. (sorry for my english, it's not my main language)

I have a collection of 10-20 addons, each weighing about 300-700MB when unpacking. Will this downloader work fine in this situation? I don't care about lags, I'm only interested in the complete download and installation of addons.

And how does the downloader work better: with 30-50 small addons (30-100MB when unpacking), or 10-20 large (300-500MB when unpacking)?

Nighty posted

is there by any chance a trail version or something? since i am not so sure if this addon would help our server with A LOT downloads. it might be. i mean ofc we can't add all addons since its WAY over 100 addons but it might improve things still.

Handeril Purchased posted

Thanks! Guess I got lost in the wall of text somewhere, lol.

Leystryku Author posted

There is already a multitude of ways of achieving what you want/multiple features to achieve what you'd like.

Check out the script description. If you've checked it out an have questions after reading it, hit me up ith a ticket.

Handeril Purchased posted
● edited

Hey Leystryku, it's been a while. I actually have a feature request for the script, if it's possible.

Could it be possible for us to blacklist certain addons by ID from being handled by the loader?

I currently have 136 addons on the server [some more may come in the future], but I'm well-aware of the fact the loader isn't designed for 100+ addons.

However, if it's possible for me to "out" some of the "heavier" addons on my server from being handled by the loader - or otherwise, I could definitely downsize the otherwise-abysmal load times across my network.

I look forward to your response!

[I will be seeing if the loader can handle my play-testing server collection, potentially, in the meantime.]

Leystryku Author posted

If they are in the loadingscreen collection they will be loaded before you're ingame and thus they won't get hotloaded. This kinda stuff usually happens when you have the same textures in both collections.

Just make a ticket if you have issues btw, this is for comments

Thanks :)

Christ Almighty(MK) Purchased posted

Alright, that makes sense.. That's not really much of an issue anymore, the issue now seems to be that players are seeing some of the m9k weapons as grey squares despite the fact that they have been in the server for well over an hour and all the materials for things have finished loading. - And yes i checked to make sure they were in the collection, specifically they are supposed to be in the loading screen collection. That collection only has about 30 small / medium addons.

Also sorry, i'll make a ticket if i run into any further issues.

Leystryku Author posted

When you quit garrysmod the game unloads everything. You can think of mounting as the process of putting the content into RAM.

Since you quit gmod, the ram was cleared, so when you join again, in that case you have to mount.

You can not have content mounted with the game closed.

Christ Almighty(MK) Purchased posted

I get where you said "It does not. It only checks for update once every 2 weeks and if you already have the content it only loads it.", and that is correct.. Everytime i rejoin i don't have to re-mount/re-load anything at all, but when i quit the game and join back in the server it mounts everything again. I also subscribed to all the addons in the collection to see if that made any difference but it did not.

Leystryku Author posted

No, 200 is way too much. Sorry

MuffinMarvinTV posted

So, I have about 200 Workshop Addons. With them I'm not able to use this Addon right?

Leystryku Author posted

Hey, please make a ticket if you need any advise or help.


TioStreams Purchased posted

also i disabled all addworkshops since they were already on collection.

TioStreams Purchased posted

So if i take all materials / models / resources and make them into content packs and have 5-10 addons total on the collection would it work better ?

Leystryku Author posted

That's 84 in a collection. You also have addons on your servers, those also addworkshop stuff.

So to be safe I'd say no. Will not work out of box.

You could try experimenting with it but it'd be on your own risk, because you simply have a lot of addons.

TioStreams Purchased posted

Hey i got a big collection, but most are content packs for gmodstore.

Would this work ? link to collection : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068912156

Leystryku Author posted

Alright I have uploaded some more media

Leystryku Author posted


I used to have a demo server up which worked well but I got rid of it eventually.

Try connect gmod.endlesswin.net:27021 in console

Xiaous posted

Are there any videos demonstrating the typical user experience? I have 50 addons totaling ~1 GB and if this gets them in the server faster with an acceptable level of initial performance then I'll happily purchase it. But I'd like to actually see it in effect.

Leystryku Author posted

No, you do not need to change your server cfg fastdl link.

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