If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
no it does not work with pointshop 2

I am also curious is this works with PS2.

works with ps2? still beeing supported?:o & is there a max time to be set? got many questions, pls pm me if possible, thanks :)

Should work fine for DarkRP 2.6+

Can you update this to darkrp 2.6?

Awww ;-; okay thank you

No, sorry. Only one lottery at a time can run.

Is it possible to add more then one lottery? Like let's say I want to make a cheap lottery and a expensive lottery? Would it be possible to do that

so you mean darkrp? :^)

Can you make it work with ocrp :^)

Ahh, okay, it didnt say it was compatible, thanks, will buy :b

It would work for Prophunt if you were to use pointshop points. Doesn't differ much from TTT.

Make this compatible for prophunt and youve got yourself a buyer :b

Just released an update adding TTT support!

Tell your friend to make a support ticket and I will answer.

um my friend bought this and how do u make it so u cant pocket the dealer

It would be. But this version supports DarkRP, if you want the TTT version with PointShop that is opened with a chat command, message me here or on Steam and I can sell it seperately for $7.90.

is the points for pointshop if you win correct?

Awesome plugin!
The only think I would recommend is some customizable text above the NPC

Same for me

Scriptfodder bug. I imported script purchases from CoderHere but it scriptfodder messed it up also adding my RP Name Menu purchasers to this script -.- ... Have yet to get it fixed too..

Err. I didnt buy this but I have it available for download?