Mac's Quest System

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Fixed bug with quest vehicles


Bug fix


Main addon update 1.5.1

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.

BUGFIX Fixed NPC spawn position shifting

BUGFIX Fixed quest entity dispawning issue

BUGFIX Removed shadow from quest entities if arcade mode is selected


Main addon update 1.5.0

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.


  • Addon Better networking solution. Quest data will be networked only on user demand (on starting the quest, editing and etc)
  • Addon Better NPC name tags
  • Addon Better Simple NPC interaction
  • Addon Quest entity can now be collected by multiple users if the same quest spawns inside each other.
  • Addon Minor bug fixes
  • Addon Added Skip to objective ID on pickup option for quest entity. It serves the same purpose as skip to objective and may provide more flexibility for quest creation
  • Addon Added Attach to the quest Vehicle option for quest entity. It will spawn quest entity as child object of the quest vehicle. and will move with it. Note! Position will be relative to the quest vehicle center not world!


Main addon update 1.4.1

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.


  • Addon Added Export and Import for quests data
  • Addon Better MRS support
  • Addon Added WCD CarDealler support
  • Addon Minor bug fixes
  • Addon Added hooks for developers
  • UI Added a way to remove NPCs from the main menu

Main addon update 1.4.0

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.

Please update both msd_ui and mc_quests addon folders. If you have MRS addon installed please update it too.


  • Addon Addon net-code optimization, will have a better performance on a big sersers
  • Addon Rewars now can be edited only by admins. Editors still can create and submit quest
  • Addon Added intoduction quests. You can set any quest as a server introduction quest, and players will be forced (or asked) to play it on join. Starts only if player didn't play the quest before
  • SettingsAdded a toggle option to enable fix for cinematic cameras. Can be helpful if some other addons blocks the cinematic cameras
  • Objectives Added "Kill random targets" objective. You can set players and randomly spawned npcs to be a target for the quest
  • Events Added alpha channel for entity color, now you can make entities invisible
  • Events Added "End player track" event to stop player tracking if he had it before
  • Events Added "Spawn point" event for player. Can set a custom spawn position (as a checkpoint) for players during the quest
  • Events Added health value change for "Spawn NPC" event
  • Events Added nextbot fix option to "Spawn NPC" event
  • Rewards Elite XP System support
  • Rewards MRS support
  • BUGFIX Player validation check added in some functions
  • BUGFIX Fixed menu issue with a new quests
  • BUGFIX Fixed issue for some hosting blocking DRM check sometimes

MSD ui update, you can skip this update


Update for msd_ui base and changes in sh_util.lua

Fixed reported lua error.


Main addon update 1.3.0

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.

Please update both msd_ui and mc_quests addon folders. If you have MAC's Simple NPCs addon installed please update it too.


  • Addon Added an option to stop quest any time (for players). Can be configured per quest.
  • Addon Added an option to set cooldown per player as a stored value. This will allow you to create daily quests
  • Objectives Duplicate objective function
  • Objectives New Randomize objective - Randomly skips to the objective you selected
  • Objectives New Skip to objective - Skips to selected objective id
  • Objectives New End quest objective - Stops the quest midway through
  • Events Added option to Set do time in Manage do time event
  • Settings Added a player data editor for admins
  • Settings Added access management system for admins and a Master Admins list in sh_config.lua. Master Admins list is used to give a player full access despite his user group
  • Settings Added an option to toggle more compact buttons for the objective list. Can help to navigate through the quest if you have lots of objectives.
  • BUGFIX NPC dialogue bug
  • BUGFIX New quest bug
  • BUGFIX Simple NPCs integration bug


Main addon update 1.2.1e Experimental update

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.

Please update both msd_ui and mc_quests addon folders. If you have MAC's Simple NPCs addon installed please update it too.


  • Events Track player event - video
  • Minor experimental changer

MSD Update

  • New UI features, New SetUP menu


Main addon update 1.2.0

The update does not wipe the data, you can just install the new version, and will keep all the data.

Please update both msd_ui and mc_quests addon folders


  • Events Vehicle objective - LFS support
  • Events Remove given weapons
  • Events DarkRP Block given weapons from being dropped
  • Events Remove all weapons
  • Events Restore all weapons
  • Events Sort event order options (move up and down in order)
  • Events Run Console Command
  • Rewards Run Console Command

MSD Update

  • Updated core functions


Update for msd_ui base and changes in sv_init.lua

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