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Would love to see this updated with Craphead's New NPC Shop addon since old one is disabled

can u give free please ?

Not one has such a problem. What to do?
In the Emma Textures dialog box. what to do?

In the video you show what looks to be a hotel is there support for Realistic Properties addon? How would a hotel manager npc actually give keys to a specific room?

Hi! Great addon. Any easy way to make NPC give out quests? For example, make them check if you have a certain weapon on you or item nearby, if a certain wire button is pressed or not, etc. and only make some lines available if the condition is true?
I know something like this can be done with checking functions, but really no idea what values to check for

Thank you. Updated msd_ui, that fixed it.

Ùpdated the script, but got this error:

But all this will be fixed in the next update, sorry for the troubles

And can I also make a NPC follow a sequence of stances? I did the sequence = {"scaredidle","lineidle02","lineidle01"},
But it spawns with one stance and keeps that one the entire time.

Thank you sir.
And any clue where I can add this code?
self:CapabilitiesAdd(bit.bor(CAP_ANIMATEDFACE, CAP_TURN_HEAD));
Currently, the NPC's head is just still and dead looking :)
By the way, love the conversation effects and menu. And also the menu to make NPCs, its great!

Almost all NPC's are having a T-Pose, any clue why?

Can you let the NPC's sell stuff?

I see MQS advanced quest system on your website (
I wonder how to get it ?to add it to MAC's