MAC's Simple NPCs

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If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Cheese Man Purchased posted

Would love to see this updated with Craphead's New NPC Shop addon since old one is disabled

UÇ ! posted

can u give free please ?

XXXTENTACION Purchased posted

Not one has such a problem. What to do?

In the Emma Textures dialog box. what to do?

Mactavish Author posted

JayyIts not support for RP addon, but you can do that with a little bit of lua

Jayy posted

In the video you show what looks to be a hotel is there support for Realistic Properties addon? How would a hotel manager npc actually give keys to a specific room?

Mactavish Author posted

Doom3r contact me via ticket or discord

Doom3r Purchased posted

Hi! Great addon. Any easy way to make NPC give out quests? For example, make them check if you have a certain weapon on you or item nearby, if a certain wire button is pressed or not, etc. and only make some lines available if the condition is true?

I know something like this can be done with checking functions, but really no idea what values to check for

Mackintosh Purchased posted

Thank you. Updated msd_ui, that fixed it.

Mactavish Author posted

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' how it should be supported?

Mackintosh Update msd_ui too. Or open support ticket

Mackintosh Purchased posted

Ùpdated the script, but got this error:

Mactavish Author posted
● edited

Mackintosh Please use a ticket or our discord, for support.

But all this will be fixed in the next update, sorry for the troubles

Mackintosh Purchased posted

And can I also make a NPC follow a sequence of stances? I did the  sequence = {"scaredidle","lineidle02","lineidle01"},

But it spawns with one stance and keeps that one the entire time.

Mackintosh Purchased posted

Thank you sir.

And any clue where I can add this code?

  self:CapabilitiesAdd(bit.bor(CAP_ANIMATEDFACE, CAP_TURN_HEAD));

Currently, the NPC's head is just still and dead looking :)

By the way, love the conversation effects and menu. And also the menu to make NPCs, its great!

Mactavish Author posted

Mackintosh The next update will have a custom animation selector for NPCs. For now it only supports NPC models

Mackintosh Purchased posted

Almost all NPC's are having a T-Pose, any clue why?

Mactavish Author posted

Jay It will look the same. But I probably will make an update with npc store later.

Jay posted

Mactavish would it look like the addon you've sent or would it have the UI from the NPC?

Also I haven't bought it yet just trying to find out if I will :)

Mactavish Author posted

Jay you can use this addon:

Or you will need some LUA knowledge to do it yourself. Also I can help you with that if you create a support ticket

Jay posted

Mactavish do they require much LUA knowledge?

Mactavish Author posted

Jay with some modifications, yes

Jay posted

Can you let the NPC's sell stuff?

Mactavish Author posted

Stan It's waiting for submission on gmodstore.

Stan Purchased posted


I see MQS advanced quest system on your website (

I wonder how to get it ?to add it to MAC's

Mactavish Author posted

Canvenante I'm not sure yet.

Hache you can create a ticket with this request if you want it faster.

Fxo No, because of two reasons. This was fixed in a patch yesterday. And NPCs entity do not use base_ai class, so the bug didn't affect them.

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