📧 Mailman - Unique Mail Delivery System

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·• Sensy •· posted

Hello Fleodon,

Any news on the update that sent directly the letter without having to have a delivery man and a mail truck ?

Thank you :)

·• Sensy •· posted

It will be really nice, I will buy it whith this update :)

Another thing, it could be nice that you create like a post office.

Where people can write, send and read their letter then you don't need a letter box anymore with a house

Fleodon Author posted

·• Sensy •· Hello, it's not included by default, but I can add this in the next update for this weekend :)

·• Sensy •· posted


Is it possible to "avoid" the mail truck.

I mean, is it possible juste to send a letter and it can be automatically sent to the right person ?

Fleodon Author posted

BenJ Thanks a lot mate :)

BenJ posted

Looks unique and well made, GLWS

Fleodon Author posted

Thanks :)

Jukww2 posted


Wasied posted


Fleodon Author posted

Thanks guys!!

Ness | Cody Harvi posted


Kobralost Moderator posted


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