McPhone | Advanced Phone System

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Advanced and simple to use phone system for your DarkRP server

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Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.

Fast UI navigation

You can open and navigate your phone without using the mouse cursor or by using mouse and keyboard buttons. This will allow you to use your phone while you still can interact with the game. Phone can be navigated with a cursor, which gives you an advantage in some cases (such as number typing and so on), The controls are easy to remember, and they can be easily customized that brings us to the next feature.


Phone can be customized in 4 ways. There is 7 theme presets, that will allow you to change the color of the UI and phone. 17 wallpaper presets and 9 ringtone variations. Also, you will be able to customize key bindings to navigate your phone.

Phone variations

Aside from the phone customization, you can give players an option to choose between 3 types of phones, which are McPhone (default one), Badger, and Bloom phone, all featuring a unique main menu and look.

Phone drop system

With some easy configuring you can enable the ability for players to drop their phones. This feature is required if you want to give players the ability to change phone types. Also with this feature enabled you can set whether or not players should spawn with phones, or you want players to buy phones from a shop. This feature will add much more roleplay ability to the server.

3D model

While the player uses his phone, the other players can see him holding it! This feature can be necessary in a lot of RP cases. And of course, everybody will see your epic phone theme :)

Language control

For now, we have these languages supported: English (default), Russian, French, German, Polish, Danish, Turkish, Chinese, Spanish. But it is simple enough to add your own language.

Easy configuration

As well, as easy and fast user customization, this addon has an in-game configuration menu. You can enable or disable needed features without opening a single lua file. But optionally you can configure this addon through lua config, and prevent in-game configurations.

GPS system

As an alternative to minimaps and other navigation systems, this addon features GPS system markers. The player can easily navigate through the map by these markers, and you can easily set up markers that will show players NPC locations, important for RP buildings (such as police department, city hole, etc), and more.

Calls and contacts

As the main function for all phones, you can call and speak to other players. As a server owner you can choose in config whether a player can see and call all players from the contact list, or players must give each other numbers to call. The number will be added to your contact list when a new player calls you, or you call a new number. Then you can easily call the added number through your contact list.

Sleep mode

You can always enable sleep mode in your settings. By enabling it, you will not receive any calls, but you will still receive text messages.


Same way as to call you can text players. Just choose a player from your contacts and send a message. You also will have a message history that you can read and delete.

Email adverts

As an alternative to advert systems, you can send an advert email to all players. A great way to make good deals and tell everyone that your shop has sales! As a server owner, you can set a fee for sending these messages.


Just a simple camera that allows you to take a screenshot without any UI elements. As a server owner, you can add a watermark on the screen.

Default logging system

We added a default DarRP logging system to help admins track calls, SMS, and email adverts by console logs. Also, you can use Billy's Log system if you own one.


Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.


To install this addon to your server just unzip it to your garrysmod/addons folder. The main configuration can be done through the game. Just open your phone (by pressing the UP key or Middle mouse button) navigate to Settings > Advanced > Server settings. Only users with superadmin privileges can access the server settings. You also can block access to the configuration menu by editing the config manually.

Content will download automatically, but here is a workshop addon if you need it:


Ingame user config:

Ingame server config:

You can also disable modules you don't want to use in mc_phone\lua\mc_phone\sh_config.lua

-- To disable modules you won't use, just change false to true

McPhone.DisableModules = {
	["camera.lua"] = false,			-- Camera module
	["contacts.lua"] = false,		-- Contacts/call module (not recommended to disable)
	["gps.lua"] = false,			-- GPS module
	["mail.lua"] = false,			-- Email advert module
	["settings.lua"] = false,		-- Settings module (NOT RECOMMENDED TO DISABLE AT ALL)
	["sms.lua"] = false,			-- SMS module

Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.


Support will be provided quickly as possible. If you own my other addons, you probably know that :)

Also, we have planned a lot of new features and DLCs, stay tuned and we will post more info about them.

DEV info:



List of supported addons and features they add:

911 Emergency Response - You will be able to call 911 with the phone

Fléodon's Services - Request & Respond - You can call all services from the phone

SlownLS - Taxi | An advanced taxi system - You can call a cab for yourself

SlownLS - Hitman | An advanced hitman system - You can send the contract to a hitman via a phone call

Advanced Jewelry Robbery and Advanced Showcase Robbery - You can call the dealer directly from the phone

Mechanical System | Tow Truck & Tow Fining - You can call a mechanic

Advanced Police Mod | Make your police efficient - You can request police via contacts. Demo img

MISSIONS - Get rewards for calling, sending SMS, and emails!

Zero´s GenLab 🦠 - Special inform app

GlorifiedBanking - web interface for online banking

Realistic Properties - Web interface

Services- You can call all services from the phone

StormFox - Phone will show you in-game time added by this addon

Billy's Logs (bLogs) - Ability to log calls, SMS, mail, and more

VoiceBox FX - Phone call FX

Tow Truck Driver Job 2 - You can tow truck driver or request a tow truck

P.S. This list will expand. You can suggest your addon to support in the discussion section, or, if you are a content creator, contact me directly


Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.

Created with love by our Team

Team Members:

Developer - Mactavish

Second Developer - Reger.exe

Content manager - Ninja Noize

Art designer - Captain Jack

Extra credits and huge thanks goes to:

Spar - coding tips, thanks again

Muschi - phone model porting and texturing

[FONDA] Anthony Alvis - french translation

TOJU - german translation

Mulven - polish translation

Fischer1 - danish translation

Lanidrac - Turkish translation

MrChen - Chinese translation

Aevoa - Spanish translation

Heaven - help with french translation

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - help with UTF8 support

GmodLA.Ru Project - for providing custom models (dlc1) - GPS icon

Direct link:


Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.


Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.

Product reviews

4.86 average based on 23 reviews

Good addon, Slow support
Its a great addon for its price but you are kind of on your own when you get into a problem. ticket responses are pretty slow than It should be and its the same on discord too.
By Syo -
(version 1.3.1)
Very good addon
The support is ultra fast in 10-20 minutes it answered me. No errors, great addon
By LevaDy -
(version 1.3.1)
Best phone addon in Gmod
Nothing can compare to this mod you need it if you are running an RP server.
This product was received for free
By pureguppy7862 -
(version 1.3.0)
Lord Mosswell
Really worth the money!
Well, what can I say. This addon really shines on most other phone addons that can found on gmodstore, with the levels of support for other addons and also the level of support provided from the creator of the script its self, I had an incredibly silly problem with the product which turned out to be a issue on my own accord rather than the fault of the scripts, but with a hasty response i'm sure if the issue continued and wasn't a mistake we would have gotten to the bottom of it. Thank you for making darkrp fun again!
By Lord Mosswell -
(version 1.3.0)
The phone supports other scripts, so you can increase the functionality of the phone. You have GPS built into the phone and other features that a regular phone should have Support got back to me within minutes of my support request.
By zsqdzsqd -
(version 1.3.0)
1 of 6
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Product details
Russian, English, German, Polish, Danish, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish
None specified
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McPhone Extension Pack #1 | Cell phone towers & Jammers
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