Version 1.2.0
- Added 2 new phone variations. Can be changed if the phone drop command is enabled. These phones are in beta state, to use them you will mean manually add them to f4 menu or any vendor you use. Phone entities are in the Q menu > Entities > McPhone > Bloom phone and Badger phone. Entity IDs: mc_phone_bg, mc_phone_lm
- Changed workshop content files.
- Added support for upcoming DLC
- Added functional web app for supported addons. Will be enabled automatically, if you have any supported addons. GlorifiedBanking or Realistic Properties
- Changed some core functions
- Small improvements and bugfix were made too
New addons support:
- Realistic Properties - web interface
- Services- You can call all services from the phone
Files changed:
WARNING! Small and big changes were made in all files! If you did manual configurations, you will need to do it again in a new file!
P.S. Config, contacts, and user settings will be wiped
Media for the update: