If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Is this compatible with LVS or Simfphys, this is work with this vehicule addon???

Nothing has been done on our side to make it compatible in a special way.

the script is compatible with PARKING - Regulate the streets! ( ?

Quand je tape la commande du NPC et que je clean up ou restart le serveur j'ai aucun PNJ positionné !
Tu aurais une solution?

I don't know if this is right but we aren't responsible for hosts mistakes. Just go and tell them to fix that, our addon works. For support, open a ticket. You can't tell us to say that as we provide an addon that works, just open a ticket on GMC support.

Can you please add a note - This will not work with GMC at all.

I can't open a ticket because the web doesn't work for me

Open a ticket instead of asking that here please.

I receive this error

No, it is online actually

offline website

First of all, thanks. By the way, we prefer to keep the rope system how it is actually.

Could you add the ability to control the length of the rope manually instead of it going to a set distance? Like have an option on the remote where you hold down left click and it retracts or extends the rope. Great addon btw, loving it so far.

Vous avez fait comme SantosRP X) Je suis un UN GROS IENCLI

This feature isn't available actually

When the mechanic sets the fine, is he able to view it afterwards on the car? Is he also able to edit the fine or simply remove it too?

The discussion area is not a place for support, support tickets are for that...

Salut, pourrait tu dire quel fichier est update à chaque fois . Car imagine on fait une config pour son serveur et on sait pas quoi remplacer donc on risque de tout remplace

I already spoke with the McPhone developer and he told me that a compatibility will be available soon.

Can you make it compatible with Mcphone?

Technically it should be possible but we haven't been able to test.

Can you use another tow truck if you have? is it easy to combine my own tow truck with this script?
the tow truck i have also have a flatbed.
Thank you for taking your time to reply! :D

The discussion area is not a place for support, support tickets are for that...