If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Ooof, Is that player change team vehicle remove optional? Because I preferred vehicle being removed on team change..
Also I didn't quite want to update yet but everyone gets spammed with lua errors that we "should" update. Cant this just be a console message rather than a LUA error that gets sent to everyone?
[name|3|STEAM_0:0:000000] Lua Error:
[FlexLib] - [Error - mechanical_system] : Obsolete version, it is advisable to update it to avoid any problems / security failures.

Y'a t'il un DRM ? Car j'ai vu vous récupérez les ips et tout ?(J'vais pas ouvrir un ticket pour cet question)

An amazing addon that's been needed for far too long. Thank you for the release! Makes an amazing addition. The only thing I would suggest is an option for when the trailer raises, it autolocks.

Very good work, about to purchase, maybe in the future MYSQL support if needed?

Open a ticket instead of asking that here

Bonsoir je vient de payer l'addons mais
C'est quoi ce nombre "7090" ?
MSystem = FlexLib:Register("mechanical_system", "1.0.1", "7090")

I'll see to add that compatibility

Can you add McPhone Support?

Trop Bo je buy direct

Take a look at my friends with RUSSIAN names

It's fake, I would like to live in France ..

It is a pity if you deleted my CORRECT translation, which took me about 20 minutes :(

Bro i send to you translate on russian language. I come right now and my application which should have been checked is simply not there..

Not bought it yet but man! Your coming up with some awesome addons! keep making them!

nice :D

is there a way to set up a zone on the map where you can put fines? for example vehicle impound? so peoplw wont just put fines on random vehicles not even towing them to a specific place