Medals (Reward Medals, 3D2D Show/Hide Medals, Authorize Staff)

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In short

This addon allows you to give and take medals from any player on your server. Players can choose which medals to display above their head.

You are able to authorize any player by rank, usergroup, team or steamid to give and take medals from players on your server. They can be given to online and offline players from an easy-to-navigate user interface in-game.

The medals can serve any purpose you want. Should it be DarkRP, StarWars RP or any other gamemode you can customize the medals as you want by adding or removing them. There's descriptions, categories and PlayerSpawn/PlayerDeath hooks per medal that you can also utilize.

๐Ÿ… Give/Take Medals
  • Authorized players are able to give and take medals from an in-game menu.
  • The menu is accessable through a simple customizable chat command.
  • A list of all medals can be found in the menu.
  • Give and take medals from a drop-down list of players or by typing their SteamID64.
  • This supports both online and offline players.

โœ… Authorize Staff
  • Server owners are able to authorize who can give/take medals.
  • They can authorize staff by usergroups (supports most admin mods).
  • They can authorize by SteamID64.
  • They can authorize by team names (usually what DarkRP uses).

๐Ÿš€ Unlimited Medals
  • You are able to add as many medals as you want through the config.
  • Determine name, description, category and icon for a medal.
  • There is support for calling custom code on PlayerSpawn and PlayerDeath hooks.
  • I have also pre-configured medals already that you can find in the knowledge base.

๐Ÿ‘€ Displaying Medals
  • Players can choose which medals they want to display above their head.
  • The medals are shown above players heads in 3D2D with a distance clamp and alpha fading.
  • The Y position of the medals can be determined in the config to match your servers HUD.

โœ๏ธ Pre-configured Medals

๐Ÿ’ป bLogs Support & Custom Logs
  • The addon supports bLogs.
  • There is also a custom logging system that can log events into your own DB of the addon if you want.
  • Logs when a player receives a medal (receiver name, medal name, giver name)
  • Logs when a medal is taken from a player (taker name, medal name, target name)

๐ŸŒŽ Language System
  • English
  • French
  • Danish
  • Polish
  • German
  • Turkish
  • Portuguese

Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

This addon supports all gamemodes.

Extract ch_medals to your addons folder.

Please visit the Setup & Customizing tab to see how you configure the addon.


There's a single content pack that you must add to your servers workshop collection.


There is a single configuration file to modify various parts of the addon.

Configure the general settings of the addon in lua/ch_medals/shared/ch_medals_config.lua

View the configuration HERE


You can find the medals in lua/ch_medals/shared/ch_medals_config_medals.lua


CH_Medals.Medals[ "medal_bitcoin" ] = {
	Name = "Bitcoin King",
	Icon = Material( "materials/craphead_scripts/ch_medals/medals/bitcoin.png", "noclamp smooth" ),
	Description = "A special mark for players who have dedicated their life to mining bitcoins.",
	Category = "DarkRP",
	PlayerSpawn = function( ply )
  	     -- custom code
  	PlayerDeath = function( ply )
  	     -- custom code


By default the addon saved using sqlite (default build into gmod). If you wish to enable MySQLOO then you can do so.

Go to the file lua/ch_medals/server/sql/ch_medals_sql_functions.lua

Set the CH_Medals.SQL.UseMySQLOO config to true

Then fill in your information below. This will of course require that you have the MySQLOO module by FredyH.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console.

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have found a conflicting addon, then feel free to open a support ticket and I'll see if I can assist with solving the conflict.

Thank you!


Banners by Im Not Meow Meow

Font is Open Sans by Google

Icons made by freepik from Flaticon

Various medal icons made by Mactavish

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 5 reviews

Great for rank based roleplay
I had initially bought this to give usergroups badges however it's not a feature YET. The addon has its place in PoliceRP and game modes of that nature. Even though I can't use it how I'd like to currently, it's still very well made and easy to work with.
By Snicks -
(version 1.0.7)
Best addon !
Crap-Head is a genius ! 10/10 Best customer support in the store, if you have any issues or questions, Crap-Head will help you !
By Jiimmy -
(version 1.0.7)
Greate Script!
Greate script to have on swrp/military etc. for me it gives more immersion and contact with a author is greate when asked for new thing its added in couple hours!
By gandziaa2002 -
(version 1.0.5)
Good script with fast support and reasonable price
Pretty cool script. I had a little issue, but Crap-Head responded and helped within 10 minutes! And price is pretty low for a such addon. I fully recommend!
By Batrexus -
(version 1.0.3)
Must have!
The addon is brilliant. My players personally love it and gives them an incentive to do more things that they may of not done before. There has been some issues which is to be expected with a brand new addon but all credit to Craphead he has been amazing. He is quickly fixing any issues that have arisen. Craphead both responds quickly and effectively to any support tickets you make. This addon is a must have for your server :) 5/5
By conjurn -
(version 1.0.3)
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$6.99 $5.59
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