Medals (Reward Medals, 3D2D Show/Hide Medals, Authorize Staff)

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Crap-Head Author posted

·• Sensy •· Of course. You can see in the Setup & Customizing how a medal is configured.

·• Sensy •· posted

Crap-Head Thanks for the first answer. But is there a variable about the name of the medal given to a player in order to make that custom dev on my side ?

Crap-Head Author posted

·• Sensy •· Sorry, but there is no option to display the medals name above head. Only the icon can be displayed like shown in the image/video.

·• Sensy •· posted

Hello, is there a cariable that take into account the name of the medals ? i didn't see anything talking about that in the description, that i why I didn't buy it for now.

I want, for example, to show the title of the medal above player head for other players by simply getting the name of the medals given to the player.


RoZeL Purchased posted

Make a category of medals only allowed to be worn by certain jobs

RoZeL Purchased posted

Make a category of medals only allowed to be worn by certain jobs

Crap-Head Author posted

James No, sorry. It saves by steamid

James posted

Hi Crap-Head,

does the addon support voidchar?


Cuboxis posted


Snoopi posted

ej hvor cool!!!

Crap-Head Author posted

Thanks everyone!

I just updated the knowledge base with pre-configured medals. For anyone interested the materials are already part of the content pack with special thanks to Mactavish

m0uka posted


Jukww2 posted

GLWS, cool addon :)

Sweet Purchased posted


Ness | Cody Harvi posted


Kobralost Moderator posted


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