Mining (Skills, Crafting, Stats, Sell Minerals, & Custom Models)

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An advanced mining system that includes everything. You can mine minerals using a pickaxe or jackhammer, upgrade your skills to enhance your experience, craft items for minerals or simply sell the minerals in exchange for money.

This mining system is inspired by what you see on popular DarkRP servers. It includes setting up 9 different mineral types to mine and you can scale the rock models to your liking.

Earn skill points by leveling up and enhance your abilities by choosing between 6 different skills for your character.

Mine minerals using the Pickaxe or the automatic Jackhammer weapons. Minerals can be used to craft items or you can exchange minerals for money.

Rocks are easily setup using the toolgun and mineral type, model scale and bodygroups are set via the Q menu under the tool itself. Saving is also done via the toolgun and minerals are saved uniquely to the map and all values are stored on the server.

⛏️ Mine Minerals
  • The default Miner job is equipped with a pickaxe that you can use to mine minerals.
  • You can craft the jackhammer to equip an automatic and power mining weapon.
  • Minerals are stored in your inventory.

🧠 Upgrade Skills
  • Via the mining menu you can upgrade and downgrade skills.
  • You can configure the maximum level of each skill and the values for every level of the skill.
  • Capacity - Increase your mining inventory capacity.
  • Extraction - Increase your mineral quantity per hit.
  • Experience - Increase your experience gain per hit.
  • Speed - Make your pickaxe swing faster.
  • Payout - Increases how much the NPC pays you for minerals.
  • Chance - Increases the chance of a successful hit.

🪨 Rocks
  • Rocks are completely configurable during setup (mineral type, amount of minerals, rock durability, rock scale, show small rocks/bodygroup)
  • You mine minerals from rocks using a pickaxe or jackhammer.
  • Rocks carry a specific amount of total minerals.
  • They have durability, so that they can be "destroyed" if hit enough.
  • Minerals restock after reaching a certain low (config) as long as the rock still has durability left.
  • If the rock is destroyed it first fade away and then respawn after a certain configurable time.

🔧 Craft Items
  • You can craft a variety of items from the mining menu.
  • Creating new items are extremely easy via the configuration.
  • You can configure the amount of minerals it costs to craft.
  • You can set a required level to craft an item.
  • You can set both XP earn and XP cost for crafting an item.
  • You can also set a price for crafting an item.
  • The craft function is completely custom and can run any lua code. Meaning you can make it possible to craft basically everything.

🍱 Mining Menu
  • The mining menu can be opened via a chat command or an NPC.
  • It features a dashboard with your current level and XP. Dashboard also shows 4 minerals and their current value.
  • The mining inventory shows how many minerals you have. You can also sell minerals from this menu.
  • Skills tab to display current skill points and upgrade/downgrade skills.
  • Crafting tab to display crafting recipes, required minerals, required level, xp, money and so on.
  • Leaderboard shows top miners.
  • Transactions shows your transaction history for selling minerals.

💵 Sell Minerals
  • Minerals have a set base price that can be configured.
  • The base price is often adjusted (based on configuration) via a price adjust config.
  • The price adjustment will shuffle the base price by a value either negative or positive.
  • You set the max price adjustment via the config for each mineral.
  • The adjustment value is then randomized.
  • For example the base price is 15.50 and the max adjust value is 1.5. That will shuffle the price by a random number between -1.5 and 1.5 every x seconds.
  • You can receive a bonus for selling minerals with the Payout skill upgrade.

🍱 Player Stats
  • Personal players stats are tracked and saved on the server.
  • Minerals mined.
  • Rocks emptied.
  • Rocks destroyed.
  • Minerals sold.
  • Money earned.
  • Items crafted.

👷 Mine Worker Job
  • By default a mine worker job is added and is equipped with the pickaxe.
  • You can configure which jobs are considered "miners" or let everyone mine using the tools bought via F4 menu.
  • You can configure if the jackhammer should be given by default, based on a certain rank or based on mining level.

💾 MySQL Support
  • By default the addon saves using SQLite that comes with GMod.
  • You can enable MySQLOO saving. See the "Setup" tab.
  • Both options are efficient to use, however, mysqloo is recommended.

💵 Multi currency support

💻 bLogs Support
  • The addon supports bLogs.
  • Logs when a player sells minerals (player, amount, mineral type, price).
  • Logs when a player crafts an item (player, item name).

🌎 Language System
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

This addon supports any gamemode that derives from Sandbox and/or have Q menu and Toolgun access.

You also need a supported currency system. See the primary description!

Extract ch_mining to your addons folder.

Please visit the Setup & Customizing tab to see how you configure the addon. Additionally, the knowledgebase has articles for configuring specific parts of the addon which are very useful when setting it up.


There's a single content pack that you must add to your servers workshop collection.


There are multiple configuration files, and everything is highly customizable. This tab will outline the path of the file. If you wish to see exactly what the config files look like and what every variable does, then please visit the knowledge base.

Configure the general settings of the addon in lua/ch_mining/shared/config/ch_mining_config.lua

Configure the available rocks (base price and max price adjustments) in lua/ch_mining/shared/config/ch_mining_config_rocks.lua

Configure and add crafting recipes in lua/ch_mining/shared/config/ch_mining_config_crafting.lua

Configure skills and skill levels in lua/ch_mining/shared/config/ch_mining_config_skills.lua

Configure a few variables for xp and levels in lua/ch_mining/shared/config/ch_mining_config_xp.lua

Edit the DarkRP job and entities/weapons in lua/darkrp_modules/ch_mining/sh_ch_mining_darkrp.lua


There is a simply tool to setup rocks. Go the Q menu -> Tools -> Crap-Head Scripts -> Setup Minerals

In the tool menu you can configure the mineral type, amount of minerals the rock has by default, rock durability, the scale of the model and bodygroups.

Left click to spawn a new rock with your settings and right click to save all rocks.


You can spawn as many NPCs as you want through the Q menu. Go to Q Menu -> Entities -> Mining by Crap-Head and spawn the "Mining NPC" entity.

Position as many as you wish and save with ch_mining_saveents in console.


If you regret setting up some of the spawn locations then simply use the default Remover Tool on the entity as an admin/super admin.

Once you have removed the ones you don't want anymore then right click with the Setup Minerals tool to save the current positions.


By default the addon saved using sqlite (default build into gmod). If you wish to enable MySQLOO then you can do so.

Go to the file lua/ch_mining/server/sql/ch_mining_sql_functions.lua

Set the CH_Mining.SQL.UseMySQLOO config to true

Then fill in your information below. This will of course require that you have the MySQLOO module by FredyH.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!


Pickaxe and rock models by Sterling Pierce

Jackhammer model and banners by Im Not Meow Meow

French translation by Seefox

Polish translation by Hejfi

Russian translation by matveicher

Font is Open Sans by Google

Icons made by prettycons from Flaticon

Icons made by freepik from Flaticon

Icons made by Pixel perfect from Flaticon

Icons made by Becris from Flaticon

Icons made by kerismaker from Flaticon

Icons made by Vectors Tank from Flaticon

Icons made by justicon from Flaticon

Icons made by wanicon from Flaticon

Icons made by srip from Flaticon

Icons made by Anggara from Flaticon

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 13 reviews

Fast support
The addon itself is pretty customizable. I had run into an issue with removing minerals and he responded the next day with how to fix it. Amazing!
By DaneQueed -
(version 1.2.2)
Le meilleur addon
Il y'a énormément de possibilités dans cette addon, vous pouvez tout personnaliser. Si vous êtes un maniaque de l'économie vous n'avez pas de soucis à vous faire. Les modèles sont très propres et réaliste et le support réponds très rapidement. Je recommande !
By Ananace -
(version 1.2.2)
Excellent scripts, and an even better dev behind them
Crap-head never disappoints. Amazing scripts that come with support like no other. Always recommend.
By AnarchyX -
(version 1.2.0)
By far the best!
CH Mining, is by far the best feature rich but simplistic addon for mining available. Every single aspect can be configured from the config folder down to how much xp each rank gets, upgrades, crafting, Creating new rocks and skill upgrades which can be practically endless! This is a great way to earn $ on any darkrp server and can be configured to fit in with Average earnings or slightly lower with the afk pix axe being available. 10/10 would reccomend over all other mining addons.
By Sweet -
(version 1.1.2)
The Best Mining Addon
Really simple and very funny addon, i like hit a rock with my diamond pickaxe
By TheAntek -
(version 1.1.2)
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Russian, English, German, Polish, Turkish, French, Spanish
  • A sandbox derived gamemode (q menu, toolgun)
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