If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
How would i set a link for the add rules?

There already is an addon...

Made a content addon for this. Enjoy! Also really nice MOTD, I use it on all of my servers!

You likely installed it wrong or you are not up to date.

!motd dont work

I'm having problems with the DRM could anyone here help me? :/

Font isnt downloading for some reason ..

It is the leak prevention system.

What means drm ? ( the update ?

Could you possibly add chat commands to open certain tabs like "!rules"? Thanks.

Looks good. GLWS!

I love the design of it for some reason, looks really nice. Good luck with sales. :)

Not really in need of a new MOTD, but this thing is so sexy! Good luck with sales!

Is it possible to get a video preview of the addon? I think I'm interested in purchasing.

@Niandra Lades, Haha I do. I'm not big on any other colors beside white, grey, dark blues and black for UI's.

3rd MOTD ive bought nice :)

It's simple but nice - UnderYouFive sure likes that shade of blue of though

@roastchicken sit down son. Shut up.

Looks great, good luck on the sales. Unfortunately, I don't need an MOTD :p

@roastchicken, Constructive criticism is respected and welcome. When I write that I mean, don't come and put "Your f*ing crap. This looks gross as'fk." If you would like to say it looks like crap, at least give me some knowledge on how to improve it.

@roastchicken "If you do not having anything nice to say, please do not comment!" Means that you shouldnt write bad stuff, not that players can't suggest improvements or give critisism.

"If you do not having anything nice to say, please do not comment!"
"I'm not interested in constructive criticism or improving my product; I just want people to buy my product and not think about any flaws!"

Nice one dude, GLWS.

Looks nice. Ill wait for more reviews I guess.