Modern Car Dealer | Showcases, Mechanic, Underglow, Easily Configurable

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In short

Modern Car Dealer is a new all-in-one and improved car dealer to suit all of your possible needs.

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⋆ Basic Information

Modern Car Dealer


Modern Car Dealer was created to address the need for a better car dealer in Garry's Mod.

As a former server owner, I found existing options lacking. Inspired by the Santos gamemode, this

addon aims to provide a superior alternative. It's an affordable, feature-rich solution without hidden catches

or constant updates. Modern Car Dealer is designed to improve your Garry's Mod experience.

Need support or have a feature request? Feel free to create a ticket.

⋆ Support


For support or questions related, either create a support ticket/use the discussion.

For more information regarding the addon, please check out the other sections!


  • Car Dealer
  • You can choose to have the car dealer as a model of your choice or have it also be a custom PC model.
  • The actual dealer has three stages:
  • Selecting a vehicle through the categories
  • Selecting a color (Defaults: Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue, White, Silver, and Black)
  • In this stage, you can opt to test drive the vehicle if you meet a configurable percentage value requirement.
  • Select if you would like insurance for the vehicle
  • Confirm your vehicle purchase through the required paperwork menu.
  • Following the purchase of a vehicle, it gets sent to the vehicle retriever.

  • Vehicle Retriever
  • You can choose to have the vehicle retriever as a model of your choice or have it also be a custom PC model.
  • The retriever is a simple UI in which you can fix, sell, return, and spawn your vehicle.
  • The return distance is configurable.

  • Job Retriever
  • The job retriever is created the same way as the vehicle retriever.
  • When creating a car through a job dealer, you have the option to force a skin and allow customizing.
  • If you choose to allow customizing, it opens up a menu that allows for the modification of:
  • Color
  • Bodygroups
  • Skin
  • The player can also create presets for their vehicle, which is server-wide.

  • Showcases
  • Showcases are a simple 3d2d UI that displays the stats of a vehicle. Ideally, you would put this in the building that you put the car dealer in.
  • Showcases are created through the spawning of it in the entities section and pulling out the creation tool. You choose the vehicle from a dealer you have created.
  • The stats showcases display are:
  • Name
  • Price
  • Top Speed
  • Braking
  • Horsepower
  • Torque

  • Mechanic
  • The mechanic is a triggered zone that is set in the admin menu. You can also configure it to be a button-based system too.
  • Once inside the mechanic UI, you have the option to modify the following of the vehicle for a configurable price:
  • Underglow
  • Color
  • Bodygroups
  • Skin
  • Engine Upgrades
  • Increases the speed of the vehicle by a configurable amount

  • Underglow
  • Underglow is purchasable through the mechanic and can be toggled by the driver of the vehicle using a configurable key (Default: G)

  • Test Driving
  • Test driving is an option in the car dealer menu.
  • You can configure whether or not you want this feature enabled, and you can also set the percentage value needed to test drive a vehicle.
  • The vehicle will not collide with other players or vehicles to prevent minging.

  • Admin Menu/Transferring Data
  • The admin menu is how you create NPCs, car dealers, manage the mechanic zone, and set vehicle spawn points.
  • Through the admin menu you can also transfer data from the following addons:
  • Advanced Car Dealer
  • VCMOD Car Dealer
  • William's Car Dealer

  • Auto Backup
  • Backups are created in the case of a failure (testing has occurred but you never know) of the addon, or in case the user would like to revert the addon to a past point in time. Obviously, this hopefully will never be used but always exists in the worst-case scenario.

  • Lag Exploit Prevention
  • Similar to other exploit prevention systems, exploiters who attempt to abuse the net system of the addon will be met with no result.

  • Color Themes
  • Choose between dark, light, and even your own theme.

  • Simfphys, LFS, and WAC Support
  • You can use these vehicles as normal throughout the addon.
  • NOTE: Simfphys currently does not support mechanic usage or damage saving

  • Translations
  • The following translations are available:
  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Turkish
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Italian
⋆ Basic Information

Modern Car Dealer


Modern Car Dealer was created to address the need for a better car dealer in Garry's Mod.

As a former server owner, I found existing options lacking. Inspired by the Santos gamemode, this

addon aims to provide a superior alternative. It's an affordable, feature-rich solution without hidden catches

or constant updates. Modern Car Dealer is designed to improve your Garry's Mod experience.

Need support or have a feature request? Feel free to create a ticket.

⋆ Support


For support or questions related, either create a support ticket/use the discussion.

For more information regarding the addon, please check out the other sections!


  1. Upload and unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure the addon at moderncardealer/lua/moderncardealer/sh_config.lua
  3. Make sure the content pack is installed: Workshop Link
  4. Restart your server and the addon should load!

Admin Tool:

  1. Q Menu --> Weapons --> Modern Car Dealer --> Setup Tool


  1. Q Menu --> Entities --> Modern Car Dealer --> Showcase

Modifying Entities:

  1. Left-click on the entity you created in the admin menu with the admin tool.

Giving Cars:

  1. Command to give vehicles. mcd_givecar steamid64 dealer class

Example: mcd_givecar 76561198120471439 "Car Dealer" audir8tdm (USE QUOTES IF DEALER HAS SPACE IN NAME)

Reset Data:

  1. USE CAUTION: Run mcd_resetmapdata or mcd_resetdealerdata with administration permissions to clear data.

⋆ Basic Information

Modern Car Dealer


Modern Car Dealer was created to address the need for a better car dealer in Garry's Mod.

As a former server owner, I found existing options lacking. Inspired by the Santos gamemode, this

addon aims to provide a superior alternative. It's an affordable, feature-rich solution without hidden catches

or constant updates. Modern Car Dealer is designed to improve your Garry's Mod experience.

Need support or have a feature request? Feel free to create a ticket.

⋆ Support


For support or questions related, either create a support ticket/use the discussion.

For more information regarding the addon, please check out the other sections!

Graphic Design:




  • Matlib (parital usage, still credits to them)

Your help was greatly appreciated.

⋆ Basic Information

Modern Car Dealer


Modern Car Dealer was created to address the need for a better car dealer in Garry's Mod.

As a former server owner, I found existing options lacking. Inspired by the Santos gamemode, this

addon aims to provide a superior alternative. It's an affordable, feature-rich solution without hidden catches

or constant updates. Modern Car Dealer is designed to improve your Garry's Mod experience.

Need support or have a feature request? Feel free to create a ticket.

⋆ Support


For support or questions related, either create a support ticket/use the discussion.

For more information regarding the addon, please check out the other sections!

Product reviews

4.64 average based on 28 reviews

Now, Ive been developing a DRP server for the last WEEK and I have gotten so far but for some reason vehicles are hard af to do. You, though I had to open my wallet. MADE IT SO MUCH EASIER.. and nicer? Honestly anyone saying they're having issues is because they have conflictions or lua code errors, get this addon.
By HeyItzZedd -
(version 2.4.4)
Great addon!
The best car dealership there is hands down! Must have for any roleplay server! Amazing fast support as well!
By HankOfTheHill666 -
(version 2.4.1)
bad addon
No mysql support, no simfphys fueal and vehicle health AND it does not render wheels for simfphys cars 👎👎
By FakeMail1910 -
(version 2.4.1)
Mathias rodigrez
Good addons
Good addons but there is still a bit of work to do, especially when buying cars, you can't move it to see the back or the other side, there are still some details that have been tweaked like being able to adjust the positioning of the cars because some are bug but otherwise the addon is very complete and well organized I recommend it
By Mathias rodigrez -
(version 2.3.7)
Dont get me wrong its very good but i would like to see the ability to fix your cars through the mechanic additionally i would lke to see in the garage showing the health percentage of the vehicles. If those can be added ill give 5 stars for sure.
By Castrekz -
(version 2.3.0)
1 of 6
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