If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
i have a problem with this addons,
as you can see, i have no way to create an '"upgrade area". When i press on the button for that, i can create an Area but nothing happens after that.
can i have help with this problem ?
Like you can see, i have the button "Upgrade Area" but not the "Vehicule Spawn Point".

Yes to all but not sure what your second question is

Possible to whitelist certain vehicles to jobs or do I have to go in the config and edit

CAn you add NPC?

Is Simfphys compatible?

Hello again, I have a question whether a new type of car [LVS] will be added to the mod in the future.

Hello, I have a question: will there be an update with tire repair in Simphys and cars sinking into the ground?

Just made LVS support for the server i code for, I sent the code to Painless so it can get added

will LVS system work with this amazing car dealer shop?

Hey, I was wondering if you would consider adding support to transfer from Realistic Car Dealer to this.

will LVS system work with this amazing car dealer shop?

responded (:

Hey Painless, I have sent you a ticket and also sent a friend request on discord :)

I'm not a big fan of the car dealer job. It gets really messy and I don't think anyone who plays darkrp would find the job useful. Just another step between a player getting a car or leaving the server.

I have a suggestion about this addon :
Do you plan to add a car dealer job ? I mean a job where people can sell vehicles to others.
If there is someone in this car dealer job, no one can buy vehicles without him. Moreover, only that job can add nitros & cool customizations.
I think this feature can be awesome as no (working) scripts on gmodstore has currently this feature.

I understand, you've done great work and you have my 5 stars with just the spawning/saving alone.

Oh no yea that doesnt work fully, stuff likr that is weird (simfphys is not dev friendly)

Really? It feels like simfphys is only partially supported considering I cant test drive, customize, or showcase them. Ill keep trying, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Amazing work on this addon, I'd buy a simfphys DLC if you'd release one.

Is there any chance of having a true/false option in the config so we could set it so owned vehicles are despawned from the map on player disconnect please? This honestly would be so helpful!

Uh which one could you send a screenshot

Hey there, just wondering - the car skins used in your example video, are they global car skins? If so, where can I find them? They look cool and I'd like to use them.