mTokens (Token Generator + Money Printer)

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LAG posted

Does anyone have a hard? What says how much talking do you have?

m1tch42099 Purchased posted

perma weapons wont work when i respawn i loose it can someone help

Drain Purchased posted

having troubles with the commands to give and set tokens can I get support?

CBT J4M3S posted

Yea i got addon and the Commands wont work can someone help me? i cant use !mstore becouse i need to set it up but !madmin wont work

lionbryce posted

Why is a cable labeled "HDMI" going into a USB 3.0 port on the model?

SaturdaysHeroes posted

yeah that UI looks almost identical, still gj though

JustPlayer Purchased posted

doesnt look the Material design everywhere the same?

CandyApple posted

well then atleast give me credit

m0uka Author posted

I was only inspired by your UI, didn't mean to copy it

clear posted


CandyApple posted

weird how the 3d2d UI on the screen looks almost exactly the same as my printer UI

m0uka Author posted

Oh didn't notice, sorry :D

JustPlayer Purchased posted

im JustPlayer not LastPlayer xd

however very nice script ^^

Matrix posted

Nice Script, GLWS! I'll probably buy this in the future :)

m0uka Author posted

Thanks, we plan to add it in the future, I thought that all ranks on servers inherit from each other, but it would be probably nice to add more groups.

Brickwall Moderator posted

GLWS, looks good :)

However, for restricting a package to a certain group I'd recommend that you allow more than one group as server's may have multiple VIP groups on their servers e.g. vip_user, vip_mod.

burnett posted

This looks hot!


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