NightClub System 💋 | Manage your business ! 🍸

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Slawer Author posted

Hello, no it isn't. French is already available and you must be spanish to translate in spanish. Thanks anyway.

AzErY posted

Hello I am enormously interested by your addon and I wanted to know if it would be possible to translate languages into French and Spanish because I am French and I do Spanish in secondary language?

My discord is AzErY#8131

Slawer Author posted

The discussion area is not a place for support. Create a support ticket for that please.

Blank Purchased posted

Also, the shop UI is kinda funky, if you put the npc behind a counter, the ui is just cutting through the counter.

Blank Purchased posted

So - the music should be placed at the HIGHEST possible place in the club? I did that, and every time I spawn the DJ, it seems like the music is specifically on the DJ's position.

Slawer Author posted

Should be fixed!

Blank Purchased posted

Would like to see an updated video. Video got blocked by copyright.

Jburridge Purchased posted

Just throwing this on here for anyone that wants to change the positions of the dancers/dj.

You can get the position of where youre standing by using an e2 with the following code.

if (first()){



Not sure if there's an easier way, the console command that I know of get's your head position rather than your feet so that's annoying. Anyways, It's here for people that need it.

Slawer Author posted

It's in the configuration file.

lee34260 Purchased posted

if i was to buy how would i set the pos of the dj on rp_newexton2_v4h??

Slawer Author posted

xpuska It's configurable (you can change the sound position, the DJ position, the dancers position, etc...)

xpuska posted

Does this addon only works on rockford? Or I can configure some kind of "zones" where players will be able to hear the sound etc.

Timmy posted

Where's my 50% discount?

Slawer Author posted

Take a look at the addon's page, you can see the available languages. (german is in it)

Tikomatura posted

Is an german translation existing yet ? Id be happy to translate it into german! :)

Slawer Author posted

Open a ticket instead of asking that here.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

is it possible to set this to 1 job so only they can own / run the night club.

Slawer Author posted

Yeah, you have to place the DJ decs, in the most nightclubs you do not have to but if it's empty, yes, you'll have to.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

do you have to place the DJ decs etc as I have a server with a empty casino room and im going to use it for a night club as well :)

Slawer Author posted

You have to place the podiums (it makes it very configurable: you choose which prop you want...).

When you setup the positions you'll just have to place it over your podiums.

ThatCatGuy Purchased posted

Does this require an actual building and placing of props or does it have a tardis style as its not clear in the video. Before I purchase it

Slawer Author posted

NoFuture. A language is a language. You can send the translation to SlownLS or me in private message (yes, you'll get a 50% coupon).

NoFuture Purchased posted

i dont know if this is needed but i translated the script into icelandic, i dont know if yall need it but i am icelandic and i even got help to pronounce every sentence better. Will i get a 50% coupon, if so where do i send the script to?

Slawer Author posted

Heaven, no, it's in the configuration file. (URL)

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