Advertisement Mod - Add realistic billboards and signs to your server

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In short

Advertisement Mod allow you to place some different billboards, with custom models, around your map. For each billboard, you can set a model, a name, if it can be used by a player and how much it will cost per minutes to add an advertising, all of that directly in-game.

Save easily all entities on your map thanks to console commands. Players can do their own advertising really quickly by changing the background, adding images and texts. To interact with a billboard, they can directly press USE on it or can speak with an included NPC that allow them to choose which billboard they want to use. You can also pre-set billboards as server owner to advertise your forums etc, which cannot be used by players.


  • An optimized system, no significant drop of your FPS
  • Language system which by default has English and French.
  • Custom materials and models.
  • Configure banned words for the billboards.
  • Toolgun for admins to set billboards directly in-game (configure usergroups that can do this)
  • Admins can see information about each billboard including who uses it and for how much time they have. This is done with the toolgun as well.

Admin Tools

  • Superadmins can add billboards directly in-game thanks to the toolgun. They are located under "Venatuss' Addons".
  • Entities are saved to the map with the chat command !save_adsmod.
  • To remove entities from the map, use the chat command !remove_adsmod.
  • Admins can see information about each billboard using the "Advert Mod - Information Tool" tool.
  • A configuration option allows you to forbid specific words in all links and texts.


  • Download the latest stable version.
  • Drag and drop the advertisement_mod folder into your addons folder.
  • The workshop content is automatically set to download for the client, just add it to your servers collection. You can find it here.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you want to add a permanent billboard :

First place the billboard with the option to prevent players to use it.

After that, right click on it to edit the "Default" ad on this billboard so you can place the informations you want.

To customize the general addon settings go to advertisement_mod/lua/ads_mod/sh_config.lua

There are about 10 options to configure, mainly focusing on default settings for billboards.

The script also features a language system. You can configure it in advertisement_mod/lua/ads_mod/sh_lang.lua

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 10 reviews

[ML] Julien Agather
Très Bon addons Merci ! à vous je conseille vivement Cordialement, Julien
By [ML] Julien Agather -
(Never downloaded)
Very good way for the adverts
It's probably the best addon i ever see it's just amazing !
By Deadman -
(version DRM Free)
Such a good addon, love the way how the textures are "connected" to each other, better then photoshop and very usefull for business !
This product was received for free
By Nogitsu -
(version 1.5.1)
Very sympathic guy , good support , nothing to say...
This product was received for free
(version 1.5.0)
good script
This product was received for free
By MatisGames -
(version 1.1.1)
1 of 3
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