Onyx F4 💎 - A modern F4

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tochnonement Author posted

Series Playboy yes sir, if you encountered any issues feel free to create a ticket and I will help you :)

Series Playboy Purchased posted

tochnonement so something like this ?

TEAM_SNIPER = DarkRP.createJob("JOBNAME", {

color = Color(255, 160, 0, 255),

  model = {"Models"},

description = [[<span style="color:#d63031;"> LEVEL 25 </span> -]],

weapons = {},

command = "job",

max = 3,

salary = 50,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = true,

category = "Other",

level = 25,


also many thanks for replying to me

tochnonement Author posted

Series Playboy Yes, it does support GlorifiedLeveling. You can lock jobs/entities using level field in their init table.

Series Playboy Purchased posted
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is there any support for GlorifiedLeveling to lock the jobs/entity off ? and if not will there be support in the future ?

TheStarHD Purchased posted
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Can you add pls

a VIP Sign on the job, or under the picture from the model a Level Label^


Cheese Man Purchased posted

Would be nice to see feature for featuring high $ player

Voxxie posted

Before and IF I buy this, can I change the gamemode or somehow set it up for Prop Hunt or TTT?

balou Purchased posted


I have just acquired your work which is very good. The only problem is that you can't remove the job section, we don't all need it. Then the other small concern would be that we can not change some commands in the dashboard. If you can do this for future updates, that would be great, thank you very much.

tochnonement Author posted

Dreamworks I've added an example to the 🔨 Setup & Knowledge Base tab on the addon page.

Dreamworks Purchased posted

Does anyone know how to do the images in the job description like it shows in the listing

Elite Purchased posted

Such a good looking addon. Anyone has a server I could test it?

Jukww2 posted

GLWS, nice addon !

m0uka posted

glws, looks nice

tochnonement Author posted

Working in parallel on themes update for all Onyx Addons.

Themes that are planned:

  • Onyx (Default)
  • Midnight
  • Blur


Stromic posted

Looking good! GLWS :)

Nykez Moderator posted

Looks sleek. GLWS.

tochnonement Author posted

sleeppyy thank you very much for the tips, they are brilliant. I have realised all of them in the latest update.

sleeppyy posted

This looks good, I especially love the nav buttons, so good. Got a few nitpicks though, as I see a few ways you could improve this.

Add some left padding to the header text in your collapsible categories. You probably wanna align the text so that it starts at the same pixel as the boxes inside it, it looks kinda strange right now imo. The image below demonstrates what I think it should look like.

I don't think you should round the bottom header part & top of collapsible content when it's open, it looks strange as the boxes don't seamlessly connect together.

Not sure I agree with the padding on the popup here, I'd remove it and just make it a slideout. I don't think I've ever seen website where something looked so much like a slideout, but wasn't quite there. Also, the padding for the "BECOME" button isn't even consistent, there's more bottom padding than top padding.

tochnonement Author posted


  1. There is no official support for Xenin Addons, yet it's easy to add as many tabs as you need through lua-config, which will integrate Xenin addons. I can help you if you need through a support ticket. It should work all fine as long as you set the valid class of panel.
  2. You can easily add Discord Invite link through in-game configuration.
  3. A nice suggestion, I might consider it. It would be something like tutorial for new DarkRP players to know how things work?

It is easy to add tabs for custom things. an example:

onyx.f4:RegisterTab('dashboard', {
    order = 1,
    name = 'f4_dashboard_u',
    desc = 'f4_dashboard_desc',
    icon = 'https://i.imgur.com/L6Dbwjm.png',
    class = 'onyx.f4.Dashboard' -- replace this with the panel's class you want to implement
Marius posted

I like it very much, i dont care if people say xenin copy, why is it bad? xenin addons are cool. this is better because its new, more optimized and has some cooler ui in my opinion.

its nice, i would love to see a system to have players started aswell like 420[Smokeybacon]420 could be cool to have a "dance, dropmoney, hand up, use atm" to make them familar.

420[Smokeybacon]420 Purchased posted

Pretty cool looking addon, wouldn't say this addon was a "copy" but instead a "revamp" of xenin's f4, if it boosts fps then that's a big game changer for large communities who utilise xenin (more than half). Also, its the only decent looking f4 menu I've seen on gmodstore since xenin f4.

Everything looks cool, but a few questions before I buy

Alot of servers use alot of xenin addons, for example, I enjoy using xenin f4 because I can integrate xenins coinflip, deathscreen, battlepass, etc is there any feature for this?

Can we add discord join link into the f4?

Maybe eventually the system could have small missions to get the players started, etc walk an amount of distance, use certain jobs.

Not many other questions, everything looks clean, hope there is minimal bugs :) glws

Neb posted

Professor As much as I understand uniqueness is a key feature in many things. I think it's also noticeably okay to take inspiration of something & create your own vision of it. Let's be real.. Amenu was one of the original minimal/modern F4 menus that we all saw & took inspo from. If you really compared XeninF4 to Amenu, you'll see many features that are similar & also look relatively similar. It's okay to find inspo (or even copy a function that's amazing) from another person's project.

There's nothing truly unique about the last 100 uploads on gmodstore. They all take another person's idea & recreate it with their own in vision.

No reason to be upset over something that isn't a big deal & is an extremely common practice in all professions (Your name is professor-- you should know this.)... If it was that big of a deal, why would gmodstore allow it to be public?

AyoFaded Purchased posted
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Optimization is key, and the FPS difference is huge between the two.

Especially on servers which are all now congested with unoptimized addons.

I think the addon looks great, and is a good alternative.

tochnonement Author posted

Professor Kagura don't you think the 2 times difference in FPS is a good point? +60-100 fps, I can prove my words and send DM with proofs to everyone who wants lol. I just don't want to make it on public to not sabotage XeninF4, I'm not even sure if it is allowed to show direct comparison on public.

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