Onyx Store ⭐️ - A modern credit store

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[ICU] Conmanwon Purchased posted

Do you plan on adding support for any other addons?

MassaHex Purchased posted

I do not see the add item button and I am missing the No Catagory category. Im pretty certain its a database issue but I'm not sure where the database is stored. Tried looking in the data folder but couldn't find anything except the npc position saves.

Sweet posted

Hello, is there the option to Add different currencies for items? As well as the option for VIP items / Rank restricted items?

Doc. Kill Born Purchased posted

How do you make it to where you can restrict a category to donator or vip rank.

Romain Syper posted


I want to buy it but I want to know if it’s possible to choose to pay with darkrp money ? Thank you

Icey Purchased posted

Suggestion: Add a trade that pep can sell they creadits or items.

Suggestion: Make a command that if you buy on onyx store you can drop you suit!

I love the addon and you have the suit system as well that i love!

tochnonement Author posted

Muffin_ no you do not, the only thing you would need to move from your old version is MySQL database config. (sv_sql.lua)

Muffin_ Purchased posted

Will I have to re-add everything in onyx store after I update the addon?

tochnonement Author posted

Hello Tsu™ , there is no such feature in the current version, it is possible with changes on your end.

Tsu™ posted

Hey, I came across this addon and it seems quite good.

However, can we restrict certain items for certain ranks ? Because as a PS2 user, this feature is super.

Althurdinok posted

Hey, I just wonder if this supports adjusting the bodygroups of the models and can I add accessories made with PAC3 as items in the store?

Sweet posted

tochnonement Thank you :)

tochnonement Author posted

Sweet Hey, it can work with multiple servers via MySQL, however there is no item restriction.

Sweet posted

Hey, quick question does this work across multiple servers? and if so is there a way to restrict items to certain servers? currently looking for a ps2 Replacement :)

MrDrazHD Purchased posted
hello, I bought your addon it is great however I wanted to set up temporary vip ranks except that you can't how should I do it and also for it to be equipped only once

tochnonement Author posted

SuperNova Yes, you can enable the credit salary module and it has individual timers on players.

SuperNova Purchased posted

Is it possible to give players credits on a timed interval? For example if someone was on for 6 hours, they'd get a certain amount of credits?

tochnonement Author posted

❤SonicX❤ You can prevent item activation using hook onyx.creditstore.CanPlayerUseOption


hook.Add('onyx.creditstore.CanPlayerUseOption', 'SuitsJobRestricted', function(ply, optionID, it, itemTable, itemTypeData)
	if (itemTable.id == 'suit212' and ply:Team() ~= TEAM_LEGION212_RCT) then
		onyx.Notify(ply, 'You cannot activate it!', 1, 5)
		return false
❤SonicX❤ posted

Hey quick question. Can you make the Suits only apply to certain jobs or job categories? For example it would be, If you are in the "501st Sniper" only you can purchase this specific few suits, but if you're a "212th Sniper" you cannot purcchase those same suits, only the 212th Sniper versions. Could these whitelist be setup on DarkRP job type? Or DarkRP job category Type as well?

Beelzebub Purchased posted

looks incredible, glws comrade!

tochnonement Author posted

xLomble77 if it ain’t supported already, will make an integration to support it, make a ticket if you have purchased the store addon :)

xLomble77 posted

Is the DarkRP Leveling System going to be supported ?

CLOROX Purchased posted

Ye i understand what you mean, its just i didnt want to remove all the packages from my website, i wanted both of them to work at the same with equal amount of credits, but yes ill probably hire someone in the future to do it.

tochnonement Author posted

CLOROX There's no such a feature at the moment, never had an experience with Ember. But I assume it shouldn't be that hard to implement that, you can commission that thing to another developer. But there is a thing you can already do - create a package on Ember and execute a console command to give credits to the Onyx Store. Here's the command - onyx_give_credits <steamid64> <amount>

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