🎥 pCams - The Perfect CCTV Addon

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In short

An all you could ask for CCTV system built in Garry's Mod. Including 6 unique CCTV cameras.

Returning with their 3rd product in a hit series, Owain and The One Free-Man are proud to release pCams. Aiming to be everything you could want in a CCTV system, pCams has it all. Allowing not only players to set up surveillance for their base, but also allows server owners to set up permanent cameras that can be assigned to specific jobs for 24/7 access. Kit your PD out with high tech cameras in the bank so they know exactly what is happening when a robbery takes place.

pCams offers 6 unique camera types:

  • Micro Camera - A tiny camera, perfect for hidden places.
  • Tactical Camera - Re-enforced camera for extra protection.
  • PT Camera - Pivot/Tilt camera so you can see 360 degrees.
  • Motion Camera - Get alerted when the camera picks up motion.
  • IED Camera - Strapped with a bomb, ready to blow at the click of a button.
  • Thermal Camera - Perfect for the dark.

It's time you let your players elevate their base security!

  • 6 unique cameras
  • Micro Camera - A tiny camera, perfect for hidden places.
  • Tactical Camera - Re-enforced camera for extra protection.
  • PT Camera - Pivot/Tilt camera so you can see 360 degrees.
  • Motion Camera - Get alerted when the camera picks up motion.
  • IED Camera - Strapped with a bomb, ready to blow at the click of a button.
  • Thermal Camera - Perfect for the dark.
  • Player deployable cameras
  • Allow your players to better secure their base by placing their own cameras.
  • Permanent job based cameras
  • Admins have access to a new tool which allows them to place permanent cameras that can be assigned to specific jobs inside of a config. This is perfect for gamemodes like SCP-RP.
  • NPC Store
  • Shipped with a ready to use NPC store that you can use to sell cameras directly to players.
  • Screen casting
  • Sell players TVs that they can put into their base and cast their cameras on to.

Once you have purchased the addon, you are ready to now install and configure it.

  1. Download the addon from gmodstore.
  2. Extract the addon and place it inside the addons folder
  3. Navigate to pcams/lua/perfectcams/config/
  4. Open sh_config.lua. Inside that file, you can tweak and fine tune the addon to your liking.
  5. If you wish to translate the script, open sh_language.lua and edit the text to translate to your chosen language.
  6. Next make sure that the content pack in mounted onto your server. Either through a collection or manually uploaded.
  7. Jump in-game and check things out!
  8. If you want to set up permanent cameras, use the tool pCams -> Permament Camera.


The One Free-Man - Continuing to be the goat and making the best models gmodstore has ever seen.

Ben - Feedback, testing and code reviewing. The boio

Livaco - Feedback, testing and code reviewing.

JustPlayer - Feedback, testing and code reviewing.


Inter - https://github.com/rsms/inter

Imgui - https://github.com/wyozi-gmod/imgui

Smooth Camera - https://github.com/WilliamVenner/gmod-smoothcam

Heroicons - https://heroicons.com/

Gmod Discord - https://discord.gg/gmod

Beta Testers (In no paticular order)

[Oveo RôlePlay] Yepco - https://oveo-rp.fr/

Cheese Man - https://darkrp.com/

Skeptic - https://warp-network.com/

roro12529 - https://discord.gg/g6uQX4Jjng


S H A Z Z A M - https://discord.gg/Na4pjpEx2C

Bilbo3325 - https://atlasuprising.com/

🐱 AnimeRem - https://discord.gg/ua-roleplay-gmod-1025769467466236014

Nykez - https://www.proximityrp.com/

If you have been missed, please DM me and I will add you to the list.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 0 reviews

Très bon addon
Addon très simple à prendre en main, un excellent ajout pour la caméra. Rien à redire. Créateur à l'écoute. Je vous le conseille vivement. A very easy-to-use addon, an excellent addition for the camera. Nothing to complain about. The creator is attentive. I highly recommend it.
This product was received for free
By roro12529 -
(version 1.0.0)
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