👋 Perfect Hands

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In short

Perfect Hands allows your players to interact with world around them, as well, as enhance roleplaying by using some cool animations!

Easy and fun system for your server. Allow players to interact with each other or world around them with Perfect Hands. Addon comes with modern UI and easy-to-use radial wheel selector for animations.

You can customize almost every aspect of what you're seeing on the screen. We provide several built-in icon packs, as well, as easy and quick way to create your own icons!

😎 Features

🔹 In-game config!

🔹 Animation System.

🔹 Physical interact with world around.

🔹 Different icon's themes.

🔹 Drag'n'drop setup.

🔹 Light weight codebase.

🧱 Content

🖥️ Terminal

🔗 URLs: Steam WorkshopGitHub

🛞 Radial Menus

🔗 URLs: Steam WorkshopGitHub

🤲 Shared Content

🔗 URLs: Steam Workshop

🎨 Icon Packs

🔗 URLs: Steam Workshop

🔧 Compatibility

This addon supports any game mode out of the box! If you have any compatibility issues, we'll do all the integration work for you! Just open a ticket.

Product reviews

4.80 average based on 5 reviews

I love it!
I really enjoyed this addon. This addon is great not only for RP situations or servers, but even for normal sandbox mode. I have played many hours with it in single player, moving different entities or props and so on. Undoubtedly, there are some problems in the addon, for example, that you can't twist or turn the item/entity/prop in your hands, but I hope the developer will hear me and finish the addon. Also I do not like that for this addon you need to download three more addons with the workshop, when it can all be done as a single addon or completely sewn into a paid addon that would not have to agonize. I also hope that the author of this addon will hear me and my suggestions.
By YоungРurрurеDrаgоnStаrlok -
(version 3.0.4)
[ICU] Conmanwon
Fantastic Addon
We discovered this addon on the store and decided to get it as a replacement for EGM Animations SWEPs. Absolutely fantastic zero complaints.
By [ICU] Conmanwon -
(version 3.0.4)
Really nice script!
If you want an addon that add roleplay by removing the Gravity Gun, this is the one! -Animation are nice -UI is clean. -Config in terminal is pretty simple and straight foward Ps: This is compatible with Gprotect, for entity and props. The only thing with props if you have gprotect freeze props on spawn, you'll need to un freeze it with physgun.
By XaZ -
(version 3.0.4)
Greatest Hand Addon !
This addon is the greatest hand addon ever, there is a large choice for the animation and an easy configuration, thanks to the developer, you’ve done a great work :)
By Sasha7730 -
(version 3.0.4)
Good but one problem.
Everything is nice but the settings. i dont know how to get to it
By ThatAveragePCPlayer -
(version 3.0.4)
Author's reply
Hi! Thank you for your review. You can access settings using "!terminal" chat command or "mvp_terminal" console command. I'm working on the issue and in near feature I will clarify that on product page, as well, as in video showcase. If you have any other problems, don't hesitate to open a support ticket!
By Kotyarishka -
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