👋 Perfect Hands

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YоungРurрurеDrаgоnStаrlok Purchased posted

Sure, no problem. I just didn't know if you saw my bid ticket, since I don't have notifications about it and can't even view it. Take your exams and don't worry

Kotyarishka Author posted
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YоungРurрurеDrаgоnStаrlok, hi there! I've seen your ticket with suggestions and marked your ticket as one (idk if it shows that on your end).

As for now, I can't dedicate time for your suggestions, since I'm currently doing my winter exams and have little to none free time.

If you have any issues with addon, please let me know!

YоungРurрurеDrаgоnStаrlok Purchased posted

I think creator ignore me

Flexgg13 Purchased posted

I would like you to add a blacklist of props/entities that cannot be dragged (so that when the signal does not appear you can grab it) and a whitelist where it can be dragged (because not all props/entities can be dragged)

Kotyarishka Author posted

TheStarHD there is such setting, phands.animationVelocityCutoff this can be used to control at what speed animation will stop playing, you can play around with the setting to get the result you want.

TheStarHD Purchased posted

Pls add a setting to walk with an Animation.


Matrix posted

No hate but this should be a addon available for free on the workshop, only reason this is on gmodstore for sale is because of the in-game config most likely. Wish you best of luck tho

Kotyarishka Author posted

TheStarHD there an option to use player model instead any of icons, or you can use just text representation.

Kotyarishka Author posted

Kagura I'm the original developer of NextRP gamemode :)

Cuboxis posted


Kobralost Moderator posted


TheStarHD Purchased posted

This is a cool Addon, but pls add the option to add your own Style in the Animation wheel. Or add normal icons for Darkrp.

Kagura posted
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search "leak nextrp swrp" and download archive where have addons folder. is contain folder "perfecthands" or "mvp". This is a addon, which selling on gmodstore lol

Indecisive posted

Kagura ?

Kagura posted

funny to view 6$ for addon from leaked NextRP server

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