PJDelivery - A new delivery system

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In short

Add a real and useful job to your server: Postman, the players can order things and be delivered by a real person if someone is available ! Otherwise, it'll be an automatic delivery.

What's that ?

PJDelivery is a delivery system which add a new job to your server, the postman.

If someone is in the postman job, he receives player's deliveries requests or some automatics one.

If a player makes an order (just by press "Buy" in the F4 menu) of entities, weapons, shipments, vehicles, ammo : the postman will receive a request for the delivery and then he has the choice to accept or not, if he doesn't accept the order will just be automatically delivered.

How is the player delivered ? The postman have to go to the storage center to pick up the package and then deliver it to the player dropbox.

There are two types of dropbox: the public, which can be used by every players, and the privates one, which are the property of the player who bought the house.

For example: A public dropbox is available at the gas station, everyone can use it to be delivered here. If a private dropbox is placed on the front of a house and linked at the entry door, only the door owner can choose this dropbox to be delivered !

Want more ?

If you still don't understand what this addon do, you can watch the presentation video !


  • Easy config file
  • Can be fully configurable
  • In game entities placement by a tool
  • Multi languages support
  • Postman job
  • Auto delivery order
  • Players order to a dropbox in a defined time
  • Car trunk, to carry several packages
  • Postman can retrieve a truck by a NPC
  • Postman can steal orders
  • Help texts, to help the player to understand controls
  • Market to be able to choose multiple objects with defined quantities
  • Automatically set all items weights, or by the config
  • Show the package weight for the postman
  • Simfphys & Tdm support

Incoming updates:

  • Automatically define the car trunk capacity

How to install ?

Just drag and drop the pjdelivery folder into your server's addons folder, something like: garrysmod/addons/*here*

You also need to add this workshop content to your server collection to have all icons and props !

And that's all, just reboot your server and then you can use your new addon !

If you use the base truck, you need to add this item to your server collection


If you don't agree with some defaults configurations you can edit the configuration file as more as you want! Just go into pjdelivery/lua/autorun/sh_pjdelivery.lua

And then configure what ever you want ! Just be careful to don't edit the code at the end of the file or else the addon could have some problems !

If you need some help with the configuration, feel free to comment the addon, or just pm me ;)

Know issues: (actually this not issues made by my addon ^^)

  • Can't right click on doors/dropbox/etc... : It's because you don't allowed FPP to use the toolgun on world/blocked entities. To fix that: Go to Utilities (in the right top corner of the prop menu), click on Admin Setting from the Falco's prop protection category, expend Toolgun options, and check "Admin can use tool on world entities" and "Admins can use tool on blocked entities". And then you can retry and it's good !

Toolgun use:

The toolgun is pretty simple to use: All that is detailed here need to be done with the tool gun in hands, and in "Drop Box Creator" mode

  • Dropbox create: Assign an unique name to your drop-box, then left-click where you want, after that you can select the doors to be assigned by right clicking on it, and once you dropbox is done, press reload anywhere to save it.
  • NOTE:
  • If a door is selected, only the door owner can use this dropbox
  • If you need to setup a dropbox for an apartment, you can select all doors, just the entry ones of each
  • If you don't select any door this dropbox will be free to be used for every players.
  • Dropbox edit: Edit the drop-box positions by physgun it, and/or edit the dropbox's name and then press Reload to save and make it permanent.
  • Dropbox delete: Right click on the drop-box.

For the storage center, you need to switch the toolgun mode to "Storage Center Creator":

  • Storage centers creation: Just left click anywhere?
  • Storage center edit: Press "Reload" after physguned the pnj to save the new positions in the data.
  • Storage center deletion: Right click on the storage center which need to be deleted.
  • NOTE:
  • If their is no storage center, a message will be shown every time you try to make a dropbox. Also the players will be unable to use the delivery system

For the truck retriever, select toolgun mode to "Truck Retriever Creator":

  • Truck retriever creation: Left click where you want the pnj to be, and then left click to place some truck spawn positions, as more as you place better it is ! To save press 'Reload'.
  • Truck retriever edit: Just delete the old truck retriever pnj and create a new one.
  • Truck retriever remove: Right click on the truck retriever pnj that you want to remove.
  • NOTE:
  • Sometimes, just after a placement of a truck retriever it don't work, just cleanup your map or restart your server to solve that.
  • Don't add a spawn positions too close to the truck retriever pnj, there is a check to see if there is some props/players close to the spawn position, if yes the truck can"t spawn.
  • When you place a spawn platform, you can physgun it ! Don't forget to save after !

For the store PNJ, select "Store PNJ Creator" in the tools list:

  • Store configuration: Before create your store, you need to set some info about him, like his name, his model, what do he is selling ? You can edit these info after !
  • Store create: Once you finished the configuration of your store, you can left click where you want the store to be.
  • Store edit: If you made a mistake in you store configuration, you can re set the info in the tool menu and then press 'Reload' on the store PNJ which needs to be edited.
  • Store delete: Right click on the store to delete.
  • NOTE:
  • When you edit the store, a message can shows which says: "Not found" or something like this, just clean up your map and retry !
  • If you need a new category to your store, create a DarkRP Category in you darkrpmodification and edit your items to this category.

If you can translate the addon into a new language which isn't available yet, you'll receive a reward...

How to ? Just translate the code under this and send me it translated in pm ! Please don't use google traduction


(There is too much lines to paste it here)


  • Reijin - For helping me to test the features on his server
  • Google - For giving me answers to my questions
  • Flaticon - For the icons
Product reviews

4.50 average based on 12 reviews

Crash Timed Out
Des que prend mon toolgun et que je sélectionne la configuration pour placer les spawns des camions, mon jeu crash instantanément. Vous avez une solution à cela ?
By Ayuraken -
(version 1.2.6)
Enfin des facteurs qui sont à l'heure !
Une addons super complete ! Super simple d'installation et de configuration. Je recommande à 100%
(version 1.2.6)
Bugs with no support
The addon works, and I would suggest it because it adds a lot of realism to the server. The only thing I would advise is that there are numerous bugs and things to be improved but it is unsupported (I haven't gotten a response over an entire month). With bugs and no support, it spells disaster for a gmodstore addon.
By okuphelele -
(version 1.2.6)
Super script support rapide
super script de livraison support vraiment rapide!
By Mickael -
(version 1.2.7)
Good Addon
This is a very great addon in gmodstore,just there was a little bugs need to fixed
By YiTian -
(version 1.2.3)
1 of 4
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, English, German, Polish, Danish, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish
  • DarkRP
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