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does this support hungermod?

I would love to see DarkRP job support out-of-box. It looks like a nice addon, but the way the NPC is set up doesn't seem to support jobs without some work on the customer's end.

Right now any job can purchase and sell fish. Do you want a config so only certain jobs could buy fishing equipment and sell fish?

can this be transitioned so it can be a players job. like lets say farmer or gardener. i have not purchased it but would love to see how it transitions into like an rp job instead of just something anyone can do

that price is horrendous

Limited offer: Low price of $8.95!

It shouldn't conflict with other addons.

Does this work with foodmod?

But of course!

is this still working? :3

Hey ! It's possible NPC sell food unity or box (x10) for hungermod and players ! Thank for your script !

No discounts planned at this very moment.

When will be the next sales?

v Rhapsody Just added extended config for fruit sale prices and some extra to the configuration file. They were config-able before, just not in the main config file.

There should be a way to spawn multiple salespersons. It's a bit annoying going back to a central spot on larger maps.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I change the amount of money you're given when selling plants to the NPC? Are they based upon something, like the amount of money it costs to buy the plant?

So it's possible ?

No ! , I ask you for the sale price in games ^^ . When players collecte fruits. I have bought your script in Coderhire , on the account "Belikeu" :) and i think the sale price is too much high but in game , because I want the money is hard to win . (sorry for the spelling)

Well the sale ends starting next year. So if you want to buy it at full price, be sure to wait.

Because I think the sale price is too much high :/

You can't change the sale price, you're not the script creator. What do you even mean...

Hi ! Where i can change the Sale price ? Uhh no, it was $15. I would not cheat my customers.