If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
A radar would be cool for the addon, only thing I see this addon missing

Hello, can I see the database format ? The informations, saved data, ... Ty

Hey, really sorry to bother you!
I'm being a bit thick here, how do I put arrested people into police cars?
Like, if I arrest someone, how can I put them into the car? Is that possible?
Any help would be great! Thanks <3

Would you be able to add a feature to see if someone is actively wanted and place them as wanted within the dashboard (in the records area)?


Would it work without DarkRP?

I noticed that on the servers that have this that people can leave and rejoin to avoid arrest time.

I will look into that. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll see if I can get it added this weekend

Are there any plans to include Realistic Property support?

Quick question in regards to the licence plates:
Does this add licence plates to the vehicles and then use that in conjunction with the licence plate search, or am I required to purchase another licence plate addon to add to the vehicles, that this addon then works alongside for the licence plate search?

Any support for ToBadForYou Realistic Handcuffs and Jailer + Bailer System/Driver License System/Bounty Hunter System/Fire Arms License System?
Support of license system from gmodstore?
Any support for gHomes?
Any ability to create ranks for another jobs?
Can i set health and armor per rank and money percentage plus for each payday on ranks?
Sorry for lot of texting, but i need to know)
Also, i can make Russian and Ukrainian translations, so if u need feel free to ask.
P.s. Typing from phone, sorry for dumb mistakes.

Hi!, This is an amazing addon. Just wondering if there is a way to not instantly teleport the cuffed person to jail when arresting? Something like a computer/npc to like process his arrest will be good

You don't have to use it.

I love the level system I just dont see any use of it if I already have premade jobs.

Is there any way to disable it? I already have jobs premade I just like the other additions to the addon.

You make ranks in the admin menu, and players level up to them. Granting them weapons and stuff.

Debating on getting this. I don't quite understand the rank and level system could someone break it down for me?

Is there a way to disable the leveling system?

what about jailer npc?

There is a bailor included with the addon. You can drag people with handcuffs.