Prometheus - Donation and payment store

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If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
♛Sir Fat♛ Purchased posted

Please implement sAdmin

x2 Purchased posted

Ashop support soon pls!

Colonel Cheesepuffs Purchased posted

Do you have a llink?

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

MySQLoo is available on Github.

Colonel Cheesepuffs Purchased posted

Now that Facepunch is no longer around, how do we get the SQL DLL files?

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

Please make a support ticket.

JeanFlismonzegue Purchased posted

hello I have a problem with prometheus Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /var/www/ on line 94

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 18

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

At the current time we are not looking into adding any additional games to Prometheus. Icefuse and others similar are heavily modified and are not supported by Prometheus staff.

Skullshot88999 Purchased posted
● edited

Is it possible to have rust supported added via the API for kits and such or not as I see other servers that use something that looks just like this on their site such as icefuse but they also support rust? I am just curious as I want to get a product that works on both rust and gmod and I dont want to use ember.

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted


Our wiki has a list of known web hosts that work with Prometheus. If you purchase, feel free to join our Discord where we can answer questions(link is on the support ticket page of Gmodstore). The wiki also has a link to the tutorial for installation.

[SeshRP] Pyro posted

Hey sorry i removed my previous comment i realized that i need a web host and is just a forum/store page thing. My apologies. What is a good web host you would recommend that is cheap if you have any? Or if anyone who has purchased can recommend a web host that is good for prometheus. Preferably something noob friendly since idk anything about webhosts and how to manage them

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted


We do not know who is. You would need to contact their support team with the list of our requirements to verify if they are compatible.

Babvache (Fondateur) Purchased posted

esce que ya quel qun qui pourrais maider a linstaller et le configurer

Nutter Purchased posted

That's my apologies haha

Nutnut posted

Oh, I had just realized I'm not logged onto the correct profile

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

Hello, You do not own Prometheus on your profile.

Nutnut posted

I may have found a big security issue with Prometheus, but I'm not able to find where to report it, as the help&support function has been removed from both Gmodstore as well as the original website of

[TG] Big Dave-O Purchased posted

Hey, I've setup Stripe as per the wiki but my stripe API is spitting errors:

You cannot use line_items.amountline_items.currencyline_items.nameline_items.description, or line_items.images in this API version. Please use line_items.price or line_items.price_data.

Marcuz AuthorAdmin posted

=VF= Vertical Ray There are no coupons or discounts. PayPal subscriptions require a PayPal Business account.

=VF= Vertical Ray posted

Any coupon or discounts? Also does PayPal subscriptions require a special Paypal account to be able to use that?

HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

Hello, We are not looking to add any new payment methods at this time.

Soifox Purchased posted


Can you make prometheus support Paysafecard (official API ( ?



HarryTheNarwhal AuthorPurchased posted

Hello, Please create a ticket for support.

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