Prometheus - Donation and payment store

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WARNING: If you are using Stripe you must update your API version in Stripe's dashboard for Stripe to work with this version of Prometheus. You can do so here:


  • Modernized several parts of the code (PHP 7.4 now required).
  • Stripe orders now have metadata set on them. You can search for things like product id, product type, user id and user receiver id.
  • Fixed a problem in the installer where the Stripe keys would not be saved properly.
  • Updated Stripe to the latest API version
  • Fixed styling and text issues on the custom job creation page.
  • Removed all usages of `get_magic_quotes_gpc`

Modified files


  • vendor/*
  • inc/classes/actions.class.php
  • inc/classes/customjob.class.php
  • inc/classes/stripe.class.php
  • inc/classes/steamLogin.class.php
  • pages/store/customjob.php
  • inc/functions.php
  • stripe.php
  • ipnlistener.php
  • a bunch more files, but they are not required
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