💵 pVault - The perfect bank raid/heist/rob addon (Masks, Safes)

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Clickz posted
● edited

Hello, one question... is it possible to confiscate the money from the robbers as police officer? Is this a thing in this addon? Or is there any way to do that? Then I would buy.

Kind Regards

EDIT: added it by myself

angry computer Purchased posted

will any of the planned stuff like pre heist update be added?

Quikiki Purchased posted

I'm confused what the 'amount of government needed to crack the vault (%)' means. Is it a percentage of players? I tried it on 0.1 with 5 bots as police and it said not enough. Same with amount of players (%) im not sure what it means.

Owain Author posted

Have the purchaser of the addon open a ticket

Stevenking posted

Pvaults keep disappearing after while

Skip Purchased posted

Can money bags be removed off of a person once they are arrested? I'm not seeing the option to

Jack posted

Going to try Beta, keep you updated with any bugs.

Owain Author posted

Hey Raven Pearce!

You can already remove the bank vaults by pressing R on the vault while having the creation tool out. If this isn't working, ensure your FPP settings are enabled correctly to allow you to target pVault entities with the toolgun.

As for your banker request. This is a rather niche request that you may find best fulfilled on the job market. As it is unlikely we would ever introduce a system like that.

Raven Pearce Purchased posted

Hey guys, amazing addon! I just wanted to check in to see if there would be a possible update soon? It would be nice to be able to remove vaults and things that are no longer needed anymore.

May I also recommend something? :) I was wondering if it would be possible to make it to where you have to call the corrupt banker either by command or through a thirdparty addon like MCPhone that would place a marker the person robbing the bank could see. This way the NPC could show up in various locations and only show up when called. And if you didn't get to him in within a configurable amount of time he could become spooked and disappear.

burnett Purchased posted

When I place them, they don't save?

Nathan.Smiley posted

Hey, can we see the config file ?

Exsicy posted

Not yet. he is not online ATM

Owain Author posted

Have your developer open a support ticket

Exsicy posted

My Developer bought this addon with his account

and we have no idea how to configure it.

Any Help?

Aws0me Purchased posted

nice icons http://prntscr.com/reywsw

Legend posted

WOW a pVault update

Owain Author posted

Ye, it supports dConfig. You just need to change the load hook!

Sockscsgoatse.com Purchased posted

does it not support dconfig teams?

Sockscsgoatse.com Purchased posted

i wish it wouldnt break when i add my teams.

Owain Author posted

pVault supports SAM natively due to how SAM handles recalling usergroups. The issue this user was having is unrelated to SAM.

Legend posted

Owain bad

Poison Purchased posted

hello i have a problem

i cant remove my vaults i also tried using the pvault command in the console and nothing happens

also i tried contacting you dr.pepper came up and banned me from your server for wanting help

he just kept ignoring me and not willing to help the result was a ban

eacochran Purchased posted

That's just it, it doesn't open anything.

Owain Author posted

When you have the toolgun equipped, left click to open the entity creation menu.

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