Realistic Robbery 💰

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In short

Realistic Robbery enriches the roleplay experience by emphasizing preparation missions over the heist itself. This focus on immersive planning and strategizing offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment for players to enjoy.


Get ready to embark on the ultimate bank robbery experience with our exciting features:

  • Plan and execute your robbery from the comfort of your own home instance
  • Unique instancing system allowing each player to have their distinct home environment
  • Invite friends to join your robbery home instance for cooperative mission gameplay
  • Exclusive preparation missions with time-sensitive objectives to keep players on their toes
  • A hint system to assist players in overcoming mission challenges
  • Entertaining mini-games during both the preparation and the grand finale heist
  • A bank robbery system that incorporates assets from the preparation missions
  • A leveling system based on the number of successful heists completed
  • Integrated mask system for immersive heist gameplay
  • Unlockable safe system using access keys
  • A police escape system after the robbery
  • Loot loss system dependent on damage taken, casualties, and time spent
  • Automatic and equitable distribution of heist rewards among participants
  • In-game configuration with a dedicated settings menu (!rrb) and toolgun
  • Compatible with all gamemodes (except for money rewards)
  • And so much more...

Enhance your Garry's Mod server and engage your players with this versatile robbery and teamwork addon, designed for server owners aiming to offer a fun and enjoyable gaming experience.


That was easy, right?


You have 3 types of configurations:

  • Configuration menu for basic configuration -> use !rrb
  • Setup toolgun to configure every data -> from the spawnmenu
  • Waypoints toolgun to add waypoints to enter your home -> from the spawnmenu

Look at the admin setup video for more details.

Available languages

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If you'd like to help out and provide a complete translation of the addon in a language you know, please send me a message.

For a correct and complete translation, you will receive a 25% discount voucher on the addon.

Each translation must work in-game and integrates correctly into the interfaces.

This does not engage me in any way. If the quality of the translation is not as expected, you will not receive a coupon.

File : languages.lua


  • Please do not edit anything else than the values (keep the same indexes)
  • Please use format parameters (%i, %s, ...) in the same order than in English (you may have to turn the meaning of your sentence around to make this possible)
  • Please do not forget to add a comma to the end of each line

Thanks for your help!

I would like to express my appreciation to the following individuals for their contributions to the creation of this Garry's Mod addon:

  • SpySpaille: For providing the heist home model
  • Cobra: For creating all other models
  • Cafeur: For helping me in many areas

Special thanks to the creators and platforms that provided the assets used in this addon, including icons, props, and other resources:

Additionally, I'd like to thank all my beta testers for their valuable feedback and support.

Your involvement has been crucial in shaping this addon, and I am truly grateful for your contributions.

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5.00 average based on 9 reviews

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