Report Addon | Reports + Logs + Admin Statistics + Warning system

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Bings Author posted

Matty It's been at the back of my mind but haven't had the chance to plunge a bunch of time into it - I do plan to get round to it though! Also a reminder a beta of 2.0 is available on gmodstore and always looking for feedback!

Matty Purchased posted

Really good support system. Any news on updates?

lemeilleur34 #LalaLand Purchased posted

Bonjour j'ai acheté l'addons comment je peux le configuré ? merci si vous pouvez m'aider

Bings Author posted

Lion Thanks :D

BenJ Purchased posted

Holy Fucking Shit Fuck, the new alpha looks amazing! Amazing job :D

Pabz Purchased posted

XiZoRe25 Il semble que vous n'ayez pas la balise "ACHETÉ" sur gmodstore. Vous devrez l'acheter afin de configurer l'addon, si trouvez l'acheteur de l'addon et demandez-lui de soumettre un ticket.


It appears that you do not have the "PURCHASED" tag on gmodstore. You will need to buy it in order to configure the addon, find the purchaser of the addon and have them submit a ticket.

XiZoRe25 posted


Je débute est ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de m'expliquer comment bien le configurer ?


Bings Author posted
● edited

Update on Report Addon 2.0!

Almost there! Made a good bit of progress lately, but I'm going to be re-releasing Report Addon as Reports (all purchases of this script will get free access to the new one) meaning I'm now working to add features which I planned to release down the road into the initial build (reintroducing MYSQLOO support, more efficient log buffer system, in-game settings etc). This means ETA is pushed back a little bit but release is still imminent!

Bings Author posted

Rayek Sadly that won't be a feature that it will have.

Rayek posted

Bings I have one more question, does your addon have or will have a function that is in TTT Damagelogs and bLogs? I mean death scenes, so that you can watch the situation that has been reported

Bings Author posted

Rayek Submitted my last assignment for uni today so have got a clear schedule (thanks corona :/) - ETA is end of the month, I'm about to work on it now!

Rayek posted

Do you know when you will update this? I've been waiting for a long time to buy, but I need TTT support, I'm sick of the outdated TTT Damagelogs

Bings Author posted


Its actually soooo close I've just been bogged down by uni so sorry guys!

Aevoa Purchased posted comming soon

Bings Author posted

Rayek Yep 🙂

Rayek posted

Bings does version 2.0 support TTT gamemode?

Bings Author posted
● edited

Current plan is to get Alpha 2.0 version out next weekish (which will be SQLITE only and might have a couple rough edges) with the aim for MYSQLOO version plus some extra features out ASAP.

Here is the to do list at the moment:

In progress

  • View warns on pop out report (short)
  • SECRET (medium)
  • SECRET (short)
  • Odd bits of back-end (short)
  • Fill in blank space on left hand side of dashboard overview (short/moderate)

Not started

  • Client warn page (so players can view there own warns) (short)


  • In-game settings (long) (BETA)
  • SECRET (medium) (BETA)
  • SQLITE/SQL wrapper (medium/long) (BETA)
Bings Author posted


Ben Purchased posted

just a quick question. what command do i do to bring up the report addon menu

Bings Author posted

Hopefully in next couple of weeks :)

Aevoa Purchased posted

Version btw lmao - when is planned release date for 2.0?

Bings Author posted

Me too!

Spunjee Purchased posted

In really Looking forward to 2.0!

Bings Author posted

Aevoa Sorry totally missed it! Yeah that's defiantly possible its something ill look into!

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