If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
@ [L²:RP] Vimpto Same :D @Doctor Who still a WIP :)

Can’t wait for 2.0.0 :)

anything new about the features we talked about? :)

@[CCRA] Tony Solano Working on making the interfaces much more configurable next update :) Any specific ui's you want to see a makeover of?

Please make an update to this so that the UI looks cleaner and the logs are more involved and easier to get to. Thanks!

@kanalumaddela love it :D

hello hi, i remake flat banner

(Sorry for the banner still being Christmas themed, I lost 2 hard drives over new years and haven't been able to recover the original banner :( )

That would be awesome !:)

@Doctor Who Its planned for v2.0.0, but the ETA for that is currently unknown, I can pop you a PM though when it comes out :)

Anything planed? Like it gets a little bit like dmglog (report thing for ttt) so you get killed and the possibility to report the player who killed you is shown as a little window? And could you add the roles maybe? Cuz i would rly like to buy your addon instead of using tommys dmglog as always

@Doctor Who sadly not - sorry


Does the Logger also show roles like for example ttt roles? So the dmg log would look like : xxx(innocent) shot yyy (traitor) with weapn abc and did 4 dmg ?

Sale ends in 3 days :D

@Vengaming please make a ticket and send over your config :)

when i /report it dose not show up to the staff on my server how do u fix please help ASAP

Haven't bought it yet - considering before i do :)

@Zarken Go to line 959 of ra_server.lua, press enter and paste
elseif stringsub(stringlower(text), 1, 1) == "@" then ply:ChatPrint("########################################################") ply:ChatPrint("########## TO REPORT A PLAYER TYPE !report##############") ply:ChatPrint("########################################################")

Is there a way to give a msg to the player if they try to report with @ instead of !report?

Will this work with Awarn?

@naters305 - Should do :) @Valentino - As discussed in the ticket it was a scenario where you were typing the wrong command, please keep any problems you run into to a support ticket @Brave - Yes, and you can compare this to a previous amount of time (varies when you push tu button) to see if they are doing more or less :)

Does MySQL work on linux? I dont want to purchase this addon if it will not work in linux for MySQL.

Rating staff feature, THE BEST FEATURE DOES NOT WORK.
u cant even open the admin menu