Report Addon | Reports + Logs + Admin Statistics + Warning system

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Brave posted

is it possible to see how many reports a staff has claimed?

seanbforhockey Purchased posted

Ok. Thanks. And great script btw.

Bings Author posted

Currently working on the language system overhaul - all things should be wrapped up & tested by tomorrow!

seanbforhockey Purchased posted

Okay, works, by the way, when is the update coming?

Bings Author posted

I'm assuming you want the cursor to show when a notification is received so if you go to the config (reportaddon/lua/autorun/ra_config.lua) and go to line 51, and set that to true. If you run into any further problems please make a ticket as its a better place for this type of conversation :)

seanbforhockey Purchased posted

So what do I change in the config file?

seanbforhockey Purchased posted

Running Sandbox

Bings Author posted

@seanbforhockey What gamemode are you using? (Some gamemodes have abilities to press buttons like F3, if not and its a gamemode like sandbox you will need to change a setting in the config of the report addon :) )

seanbforhockey Purchased posted


seanbforhockey Purchased posted

Oh, ok. That helps, now another thing, how do I get my mouse on the screen in GMod?

Bings Author posted

seanbforhockey Purchased posted

What are the controls and commands for the addon? I am very, very confused.

Dan Miller Purchased posted

Has anyone here managed to get MySQL working on Linux servers?

Bings Author posted

@Военком PM Sent :)

Военком posted

explain to me how this script work logs ?

Dan Miller Purchased posted

You guys can remove the report system in Tommy's system in the config file.

Deme Purchased posted

TTT vid?

Bings Author posted

@MrVideoFreak Ill make a quick video later - you can change !report in the config to avoid confliction :)

MrVideoFreak Purchased posted

Just how it works in general since !report will go with Tommy's TTT DMG logs.

Bings Author posted

@MrVideoFreak & @Colonist Deme | - Sorry for the delayed response, I read it and forgot to respond! What do you want to see in the screenshot? Just that its functioning or showing the !report page?

MrVideoFreak Purchased posted


Deme Purchased posted

Haha @mrvideofreak was gonna ask the same thing.

MrVideoFreak Purchased posted

Can I get a screenshot of what it's like in TTT please?

Bings Author posted

@Matrix Sadly the Blur theme has been phased out but you are able to change the colours by going to lua/autorun/client/ra_client.lua or lua/autorun/ra_admin/lua and changing the colours at the top of the file. It will be in the config for next update though!

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